[Pkg-electronics-devel] Heads up, what's the status the Arduino package(s) in Debian?

Rock Storm rockstorm at gmx.com
Mon Jan 4 22:09:52 GMT 2021

Hi all,

I hope you all had a great end-of-the-year break (aka Christmas for
some). Now, back to the fun stuff.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 11:02:09AM +0100, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> 2. Arduino Builder [2] (Debian new src:arduino-builder)
>    This part was split of from the IDE and the resulting package is
>    "building" the binary files from the sketch files and also take care
>    on bringing them onto the target. It's written in Go.
>    Building the binary package requires unfortunately packaging other
>    new Go build dependencies.
>    This will get superseded one day by arduino-cli.

The Go dependencies needed for building the version currently in
unstable (version 1.3.25-1) of arduino-builder are already in
Debian. As we talked on other e-mails, I would suggest sticking to this
version for now instead of trying to package the latest one. This way no
new dependencies are introduced. Both Arch and Fedora followed this path
and did not upgrade arduino-builder further than version 1.3.25. As was
rightly pointed out it will be superseded in the future by arduino-cli.

I've pushed a new branch (called 'debian/experimental') to the
'arduino-builder' repository [1] which contains an updated revision for
arduino-builder (namely 1.3.25-2). Things to comment on there:

 - I did not use the 'master' branch to prepare this revision because it
   already holds an attempt to package version 1.4.4. I tried to follow
   the rules described in DEP 14 [2]. I've tried to explain this
   situation in the d/README file. Any feedback here would be
 - This new revision introduces a new dependency on 'arduino-ctags'.
   Package is lintian clean, builds fine and I've been able to compile
   all the Arduino sketches I've tried so far. So, as far as I can tell,
   this revision is good to go. However, 'arduino-ctags' would need to be
   uploaded first.

 - This revision ships a modified 'platform.keys.rewrite.txt' file with
   a path set specifically for AVR cores (see [3]). It works
   flawlessly on my machine but this is something we might need to
   revise while packaging 'arduino-core-avr'. 

 [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/electronics-team/arduino/arduino-builder
 [2]: https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/ 
 [3]: https://salsa.debian.org/electronics-team/arduino/arduino-builder/-/blob/debian/experimental/debian/patches/2002_adjust_paths.patch

> 2.1. Arduino CTAGS [3] (Debian new arc:arduino-ctags)
>    This, as the name is obviously already saying, is a clone of the
>    Exuberant Ctags package and is also a new build dependency for
>    Arduino Builder.
>    So far I can see this clone was happen as the upstream project for
>    Exuberant Ctags is nearly dead since years.

I've submitted an ITP for this package [4] and prepared a first attempt
of it on my personal namespace [5]. Technically, it works. As said
before, I've successfully compiled several Arduino sketches with it.
I've tried my best to get the debian/copyright file as accurate as
possible. However, we might need to involve upstream to clarify some
bits. Let me know what you think. This will be particularly painful
since some of the files date back to earlier than 2009. If we think the
package is good enough I'm happy for it to be moved under the team
namespace and even uploaded.

 [4]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=979240
 [5]: https://salsa.debian.org/rockstorm-guest/arduino-ctags

> 2.x Some more Go packages as build dependency for Arduino Builder.
>    Rock can say more on this part.

As explained above if we stick to version 1.3.25 of the arduino-builder,
no new dependencies will be needed.

> I have worked on 1. and 3., Rock is working on the package that fall into 2.

Next task on my list will be to integrate points 1, 2 and 3 together on
my machine and see if everything plays out nicely from a pure technical
sense. I'll keep you posted. 


Rock Storm
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