[Pkg-electronics-devel] GHDL maintenance

Daniel Gröber dxld at darkboxed.org
Thu Nov 17 23:46:23 GMT 2022

Hi Andreas (and pkg-electronics in CC),

hope you're doing well. Since we last spoke about ghdl, in particular
packaging ghdl-yosys-plugin and the associated libghdl enablement in the
ghdl packaging you asked me to wait on you to have a look and figure out a
couple of things.

Recently I finally got approved as a DM and I've been busy getting yosys
and related packages in order for release and I'm itching to get ghdl as
the last peice of the puzzle for a fully-free VHDL-to-FPGA toolchain sorted
in Debian. Last I herd from you was in March, that's eight months ago now.

Could you please let me know if you have any pending work on ghdl that
should be taken into account since otherwise I'll soon start to try and get
all the bugs that have cropped up since sorted (llvm-12, gcc-12, ftbfs on
armhf) to get ghdl back on track for testing.


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