[Pkg-electronics-devel] Bug#1027747: gtkwave: Drop ghwdump in favor of ghdl's version

Andreas Bombe aeb at debian.org
Mon Jan 2 18:41:02 GMT 2023

Package: gtkwave
Version: 3.3.104-2+b1
Severity: normal

Currently ghwdump is shipped with gtkwave, however it is outdated and
will fail when used in the current ghdl's testsuite. Upstream for
gtkwave has dropped ghwdump and upstream for ghdl has included it.

In the new ghdl packages I have included ghwdump in a temporary location
in /usr/lib/ghdl so that it can be used in the testsuite by
autopkgtests. I intend to create a new binary package "ghwdump" as part
of the ghdl packaging, and for that I'd like to move ownership of
/usr/bin/ghwdump from gtkwave to that package.

As newer versions of gtkwave drop ghwdump from their sources this will
happen anyway, but will require coordination on part of the dependency
relationships between those packages.

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