[Pkg-electronics-devel] gnucap_20230214-dev-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Felix Salfelder felix at salfelder.org
Mon May 22 08:13:51 BST 2023

On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 12:36:21AM -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> Felix Salfelder <felix at salfelder.org> writes:
> > NB2: Somehow there is an epoch involved in the package version. To me
> > this seems to be a mistake. I'd love to remove it, but I'm not sure if
> > this is permitted.
> The epoch is not a mistake.  Looking at the changelog, it appears it was
> added on 4 Nov 1999 when the upstream version moved from 021 to 0.25.
> There was an opportunity when the package was renamed in 2001 from acs
> to gnucap to consider starting the epoch over again, but that was not
> done, and unfortunately ... for a given package name, once you've used
> an epoch, you can never stop using an epoch.

Thanks for the confirmation.

> I see that you made the last upload of the package as a DM.  Am I
> correct that the problem you're having uploading again is just that
> moving to experimental requires NEW processing and you can't do that as
> a DM?

My attempt to upload the followup package with SONAME reverted to 0, was
rejected as well [1], with no NEW involved.

I would be happy if I was able to upload to experimental, as a DM,
sticking to SONAME 0. If this is acceptable. It seems anything else will
draw more DD time, which I would like to spare for real issues.


[1] https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-electronics-devel/2023-May/010015.html

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