[Pkg-emacsen-addons] Bug#893598: Bug#893598: yasnippet-snippets: Error while updating

Harald R hradetzki at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 16:50:36 UTC 2018

Hi Nicholas,

please see below.

> Would you please run:
> locate /clojure-mode/.yas-parents

The directory /usr/share/yasnippet-snippets/clojure-mode/ exists, but
there's no .yas-parents in it.

ls -a /usr/share/yasnippet-snippets/clojure-mode/

.      bp    defn  doseq  if      is   map.lambda  opts   reduce   try   whenl
..     def   defr  fn     ifl     let  mdoc        pr     require  use
bench  defm  deft  for    import  map  ns          print  test     when

As expected this doesn't provide any output. The file does not exist
on my machine.

> And additionally provide steps to reproduce...

This morning I ran

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

and nothing more. Then, for the first time ever, I got the error reported.

I didn't install any new package between the last error-free upgrade
and today. And I've never consciously touched any clojure-related

A few minutes ago I purged yasnippet-snippets and reinstalled the
package. Now the error message is gone. The .yas-parent file is now

You can close the bug if you want.


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