[Pkg-emacsen-addons] Bug#893598: yasnippet-snippets: Error while updating

Nicholas D Steeves nsteeves at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 01:41:51 UTC 2018

Control: severity -1 serious

Marking serious to prevent migration to testing.

Good news Harald and Axel!

0~git20150512-1 to 0~git20161123-1 or any newer version require a
bunch of symlink_to_dir entries in a maintscript.  Fixed in git
@commit:66ae69a ; however, I will not upload immediately, because
yasnippet-snippets might also need to register with package.el (ELPA),
because Elpy (not yet uploaded) is in the process of upstreaming their
snippets...after I hear back from the pkg-emacsen team I'll upload without delay.

Thank you again for reporting this bug and for your help tracking down
what was triggering it :-)

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