[Pkg-erlang-commits] r1603 - in erlang/branches/wheezy/debian: . patches

sgolovan at alioth.debian.org sgolovan at alioth.debian.org
Tue Feb 25 10:06:22 UTC 2014

Author: sgolovan
Date: 2014-02-25 10:06:21 +0000 (Tue, 25 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 1603

  * Check the user, file, dir names for <CR> and <LF> in them in ftp module,
    which fixes CVE-2014-1693 (closes: #738132).

Modified: erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/changelog
--- erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/changelog	2014-02-24 18:53:35 UTC (rev 1602)
+++ erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/changelog	2014-02-25 10:06:21 UTC (rev 1603)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+erlang (1:15.b.1-dfsg-4+deb7u1) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=low
+  * Check the user, file, dir names for <CR> and <LF> in them in ftp module,
+    which fixes CVE-2014-1693 (closes: #738132).
+ -- Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Feb 2014 14:04:37 +0400
 erlang (1:15.b.1-dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added link for to_erl communication program to /usr/bin. Also created

Added: erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/CVE-2014-1693.patch
--- erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/CVE-2014-1693.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/CVE-2014-1693.patch	2014-02-25 10:06:21 UTC (rev 1603)
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+Author: Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org>
+Description: [PATCH] lib/inets/src/ftp/ftp.erl: Check the filenames, usernames,
+ passwords etc.     for <CR> and <LF> in them and return error if these
+ offending chars     are found. See
+ http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-bugs/2014-January/003998.html     for
+ details. lib/inets/test/ftp_suite_lib.erl: Added checks for <CR><LF> in file
+ and directory     names.
+Last-Modified: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 23:06:25 +0400
+--- a/lib/inets/src/ftp/ftp.erl
++++ b/lib/inets/src/ftp/ftp.erl
+@@ -181,7 +181,12 @@ open(Host, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: 'euser' | common_reason()}.
+ user(Pid, User, Pass) ->
+-    call(Pid, {user, User, Pass}, atom).
++    case {is_name_sane(User), is_name_sane(Pass)} of
++	{true, true} ->
++	    call(Pid, {user, User, Pass}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, euser}
++    end.
+ -spec user(Pid  :: pid(), 
+ 	   User :: string(), 
+@@ -190,7 +195,12 @@ user(Pid, User, Pass) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: 'euser' | common_reason()}.
+ user(Pid, User, Pass, Acc) ->
+-    call(Pid, {user, User, Pass, Acc}, atom).
++    case {is_name_sane(User), is_name_sane(Pass), is_name_sane(Acc)} of
++	{true, true, true} ->
++	    call(Pid, {user, User, Pass, Acc}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, euser}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -205,7 +215,12 @@ user(Pid, User, Pass, Acc) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: 'eacct' | common_reason()}.
+ account(Pid, Acc) ->
+-    call(Pid, {account, Acc}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(Acc) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {account, Acc}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, eacct}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -251,7 +266,12 @@ lpwd(Pid) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ cd(Pid, Dir) ->
+-    call(Pid, {cd, Dir}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(Dir) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {cd, Dir}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -294,7 +314,12 @@ ls(Pid) ->
+ 	{'error', Reason ::  restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ ls(Pid, Dir) ->
+-    call(Pid, {dir, long, Dir}, string).
++    case is_name_sane(Dir) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {dir, long, Dir}, string);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -322,7 +347,12 @@ nlist(Pid) ->
+ 	{'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ nlist(Pid, Dir) ->
+-    call(Pid, {dir, short, Dir}, string).
++    case is_name_sane(Dir) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {dir, short, Dir}, string);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -338,7 +368,12 @@ nlist(Pid, Dir) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ rename(Pid, Old, New) ->
+-    call(Pid, {rename, Old, New}, string).
++    case {is_name_sane(Old), is_name_sane(New)} of
++	{true, true} ->
++	    call(Pid, {rename, Old, New}, string);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -354,7 +389,12 @@ rename(Pid, Old, New) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ delete(Pid, File) ->
+-    call(Pid, {delete, File}, string).
++    case is_name_sane(File) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {delete, File}, string);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -369,7 +409,12 @@ delete(Pid, File) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ mkdir(Pid, Dir) ->
+-    call(Pid, {mkdir, Dir}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(Dir) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {mkdir, Dir}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -384,7 +429,12 @@ mkdir(Pid, Dir) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ rmdir(Pid, Dir) ->
+-    call(Pid, {rmdir, Dir}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(Dir) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {rmdir, Dir}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -426,7 +476,12 @@ recv(Pid, RemotFileName) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: term()}.
+ recv(Pid, RemotFileName, LocalFileName) ->
+-    call(Pid, {recv, RemotFileName, LocalFileName}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemotFileName) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {recv, RemotFileName, LocalFileName}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -445,7 +500,12 @@ recv(Pid, RemotFileName, LocalFileName) ->
+ 	{'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ recv_bin(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+-    call(Pid, {recv_bin, RemoteFile}, bin).
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {recv_bin, RemoteFile}, bin);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -462,7 +522,12 @@ recv_bin(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ recv_chunk_start(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+-    call(Pid, {recv_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {recv_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -510,7 +575,12 @@ send(Pid, LocalFileName) ->
+                             shortage_reason()}.
+ send(Pid, LocalFileName, RemotFileName) ->
+-    call(Pid, {send, LocalFileName, RemotFileName}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemotFileName) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {send, LocalFileName, RemotFileName}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -530,7 +600,12 @@ send(Pid, LocalFileName, RemotFileName) ->
+                             shortage_reason()}.
+ send_bin(Pid, Bin, RemoteFile) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+-    call(Pid, {send_bin, Bin, RemoteFile}, atom);
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {send_bin, Bin, RemoteFile}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end;
+ send_bin(_Pid, _Bin, _RemoteFile) ->
+   {error, enotbinary}.
+@@ -548,7 +623,12 @@ send_bin(_Pid, _Bin, _RemoteFile) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: restriction_reason() | common_reason()}.
+ send_chunk_start(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+-    call(Pid, {send_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {send_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -564,7 +644,12 @@ send_chunk_start(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: term()}.
+ append_chunk_start(Pid, RemoteFile) ->
+-    call(Pid, {append_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {append_chunk_start, RemoteFile}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -672,7 +757,12 @@ append(Pid, LocalFileName) ->
+     'ok' | {'error', Reason :: term()}.
+ append(Pid, LocalFileName, RemotFileName) ->
+-    call(Pid, {append, LocalFileName, RemotFileName}, atom).
++    case is_name_sane(RemotFileName) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {append, LocalFileName, RemotFileName}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -694,7 +784,12 @@ append(Pid, LocalFileName, RemotFileName) ->
+                             shortage_reason()}.
+ append_bin(Pid, Bin, RemoteFile) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+-    call(Pid, {append_bin, Bin, RemoteFile}, atom);
++    case is_name_sane(RemoteFile) of
++	true ->
++	    call(Pid, {append_bin, Bin, RemoteFile}, atom);
++	_ ->
++	    {error, efnamena}
++    end;
+ append_bin(_Pid, _Bin, _RemoteFile) ->
+     {error, enotbinary}.
+@@ -2209,6 +2304,15 @@ cast(GenServer, Msg) ->
+ mk_cmd(Fmt, Args) ->
+     [io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)| [?CR, ?LF]].		% Deep list ok.
++is_name_sane([]) ->
++    true;
++is_name_sane([?CR| _]) ->
++    false;
++is_name_sane([?LF| _]) ->
++    false;
++is_name_sane([_| Rest]) ->
++    is_name_sane(Rest).
+ pwd_result(Lines) ->
+     {_, [?DOUBLE_QUOTE | Rest]} = 
+ 	lists:splitwith(fun(?DOUBLE_QUOTE) -> false; (_) -> true end, Lines),
+--- a/lib/inets/test/ftp_suite_lib.erl
++++ b/lib/inets/test/ftp_suite_lib.erl
+@@ -1266,6 +1266,8 @@ read_log_6035([]) ->
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do_user(Pid) ->
+     {error, euser} = ftp:user(Pid, ?BAD_USER, ?FTP_PASS),
++    {error, euser} = ftp:user(Pid, ?FTP_USER++"\r\nPASS "++?FTP_PASS, ?FTP_PASS),
++    {error, euser} = ftp:user(Pid, ?FTP_USER, ?FTP_PASS++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:user(Pid, ?FTP_USER, ?FTP_PASS),
+     ok.
+@@ -1278,6 +1280,7 @@ do_pwd(Pid) ->
+ do_cd(Pid) ->
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "/pub"),
+     {error, epath} = ftp:cd(Pid, ?BAD_DIR),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:cd(Pid, "/pub\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok.
+ do_lcd(Pid, Dir) ->
+@@ -1294,11 +1297,14 @@ do_ls(Pid) ->
+     %% directory, but can also be a filename or a group 
+     %% of files (including wildcards).
+     {ok, _} = ftp:ls(Pid, "incom*"),
++    %% but \r\n can't be in the wildcard
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:ls(Pid, "incoming\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok.
+ do_nlist(Pid, WildcardSupport) ->
+     {ok, _} = ftp:nlist(Pid),
+     {ok, _} = ftp:nlist(Pid, "incoming"),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:ls(Pid, "incoming\r\nCWD ."),
+     %% neither nlist nor ls operates on a directory
+     %% they operate on a pathname, which *can* be a 
+     %% directory, but can also be a filename or a group 
+@@ -1324,6 +1330,8 @@ do_rename(Pid, Config) ->
+     ftp:delete(Pid, NewLFile),		% reset
+     ok = ftp:send(Pid, LFile), 
+     {error, epath} = ftp:rename(Pid, NewLFile, LFile),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:rename(Pid, NewLFile++"\r\nRNTO "++LFile++"\r\nRNFR "++NewLFile, LFile),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:rename(Pid, NewLFile, LFile++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:rename(Pid, LFile, NewLFile),
+     ftp:delete(Pid, LFile),		% cleanup
+     ftp:delete(Pid, NewLFile),		% cleanup
+@@ -1338,6 +1346,7 @@ do_delete(Pid, Config) ->
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, PrivDir),
+     ftp:delete(Pid,LFile),		% reset
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:delete(Pid,LFile++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:send(Pid, LFile),
+     ok = ftp:delete(Pid,LFile),
+     ok.
+@@ -1348,6 +1357,8 @@ do_mkdir(Pid) ->
+ 	integer_to_list(B) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(C),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     {ok, CurrDir} = ftp:pwd(Pid),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:mkdir(Pid, NewDir++"\r\nCWD ."),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:rmdir(Pid, NewDir++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:mkdir(Pid, NewDir),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, NewDir),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, CurrDir),
+@@ -1363,6 +1374,7 @@ do_send(Pid, Config) ->
+     ok = file:write_file(AbsLFile, list_to_binary(Contents)),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, PrivDir),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:send(Pid, LFile, RFile++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:send(Pid, LFile, RFile),
+     {ok, RFilesString} = ftp:nlist(Pid),
+     RFiles = split(RFilesString),
+@@ -1392,6 +1404,7 @@ do_append(Pid, Config) ->
+     ftp:delete(Pid, RFile),
+     ftp:delete(Pid, LFile),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:append(Pid, LFile, RFile++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:append(Pid, LFile, RFile),
+     ok = ftp:append(Pid, LFile, RFile),
+     ok = ftp:append(Pid, LFile),
+@@ -1413,6 +1426,7 @@ do_send_bin(Pid, Config) ->
+     Bin = list_to_binary(Contents),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     {error, enotbinary} = ftp:send_bin(Pid, Contents, File),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:send_bin(Pid, Bin, File++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:send_bin(Pid, Bin, File),
+     {ok, RFilesString} = ftp:nlist(Pid),
+     RFiles = split(RFilesString),
+@@ -1426,6 +1440,7 @@ do_append_bin(Pid, Config) ->
+     Bin = list_to_binary(Contents),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     {error, enotbinary} = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Contents, File),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Bin, File++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Bin, File),
+     ok = ftp:append_bin(Pid, Bin, File),
+     %% Control the contents of the file
+@@ -1438,6 +1453,7 @@ do_send_chunk(Pid, Config) ->
+     Contents = "ftp_SUITE test ...",
+     Bin = list_to_binary(Contents),
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:send_chunk_start(Pid, File++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:send_chunk_start(Pid, File),
+     {error, echunk} = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     {error, enotbinary} = ftp:send_chunk(Pid, Contents),
+@@ -1454,6 +1470,7 @@ do_append_chunk(Pid, Config) ->
+     File = ?config(file, Config),
+     Contents = ["ER","LE","RL"],
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:append_chunk_start(Pid, File++"1\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:append_chunk_start(Pid, File),
+     {error, enotbinary} = ftp:append_chunk(Pid, lists:nth(1,Contents)),
+     ok = ftp:append_chunk(Pid,list_to_binary(lists:nth(1,Contents))),
+@@ -1480,6 +1497,7 @@ do_recv(Pid, Config) ->
+     ok = file:delete(AbsFile),		% cleanup
+     test_server:sleep(100),
+     ok = ftp:lcd(Pid, PrivDir),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:recv(Pid, File++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:recv(Pid, File),
+     {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(PrivDir),
+     true = lists:member(File, Files),
+@@ -1495,6 +1513,7 @@ do_recv_bin(Pid, Config) ->
+     ok = ftp:cd(Pid, "incoming"),
+     ok = ftp:send_bin(Pid, Bin1, File),
+     test_server:sleep(100),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, File++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     {ok, Bin2}  = ftp:recv_bin(Pid, File),
+     ok = ftp:delete(Pid, File),		% cleanup
+     Contents2 = binary_to_list(Bin2),
+@@ -1520,6 +1539,7 @@ do_recv_chunk(Pid, Config) ->
+     ok = ftp:send_bin(Pid, Bin1, File),
+     test_server:sleep(100),
+     {error, "ftp:recv_chunk_start/2 not called"} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
++    {error, efnamena} = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, File++"\r\nCWD ."),
+     ok = ftp:recv_chunk_start(Pid, File),
+     {ok, Contents2} = recv_chunk(Pid, <<>>),
+     ok = ftp:delete(Pid, File),		% cleanup

Modified: erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/series
--- erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/series	2014-02-24 18:53:35 UTC (rev 1602)
+++ erlang/branches/wheezy/debian/patches/series	2014-02-25 10:06:21 UTC (rev 1603)
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@

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