[Pkg-erlang-commits] r1941 - in yaws/trunk/debian: . patches
sgolovan at alioth.debian.org
sgolovan at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 10 08:39:17 UTC 2017
Author: sgolovan
Date: 2017-07-10 08:39:16 +0000 (Mon, 10 Jul 2017)
New Revision: 1941
* Added a few patches from upstream which fix FTBFS with new Erlang R20.
Modified: yaws/trunk/debian/changelog
--- yaws/trunk/debian/changelog 2017-07-08 07:40:16 UTC (rev 1940)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/changelog 2017-07-10 08:39:16 UTC (rev 1941)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-yaws (2.0.4+dfsg-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+yaws (2.0.4+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Added a few patches from upstream which fix FTBFS with new Erlang R20.
- -- Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org> Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:06:04 +0300
+ -- Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org> Mon, 10 Jul 2017 11:38:44 +0300
yaws (2.0.4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
Added: yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20-2.patch
--- yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20-2.patch (rev 0)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20-2.patch 2017-07-10 08:39:16 UTC (rev 1941)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+From: Christopher Faulet <christopher.faulet at capflam.org>
+Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 21:28:44 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Remove 'export_all' compile option and export public
+ functions explicitly
+ .
+ Unlike the testsuite, modules updated by this patch have been updated to export
+ explicitly public functions instead of using 'expor_all' compile option. This
+ remove compilation errors in Erlang/OTP 20.
+--- a/applications/mail/src/attachment.erl
++++ b/applications/mail/src/attachment.erl
+@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
+ %%% Created : 4 Feb 2004 by <klacke at hyber.org>
+ %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -module(attachment).
+ out(A) ->
+ case mail:check_session(A) of
+--- a/applications/wiki/src/wiki.erl
++++ b/applications/wiki/src/wiki.erl
+@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
+ -module('wiki').
+ -author('jb at son.bevemyr.com').
+ -export([showPage/3, createNewPage/3, showHistory/3, allPages/3,
+ lastEdited/3, wikiZombies/3, editPage/3, editFiles/3,
+@@ -42,6 +41,13 @@
+ -export([getPassword/1]).
+ -export([importFiles/1]).
++%% Function exported to avoid warnings
++-export([copyFiles2/3, session_proc/2, textarea/3, b/1, br/0,
++ pre/1, bgcolor/1, top_header/1, add_blanks_nicely/1,
++ big_letter/1, little_letter/1, show_error/1,
++ str2fileencoded/1, fileencoded2str/1, mime_type/1,
++ check_precon/2, getopt_options/2]).
+ -import(lists, [reverse/1, map/2, sort/1]).
+ -import(wiki_templates, [template/5, template2/5]).
+--- a/applications/wiki/src/wiki_format_txt.erl
++++ b/applications/wiki/src/wiki_format_txt.erl
+@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
+ %% and the * (or Header) and Text
+ %% are not significant.
+--export([format/3, collect_wiki_link/1]).
++-export([format/3, format_url/2, collect_wiki_link/1, emb/4,
++ enc_month/1, enc_day/1]).
+ -import(lists, [member/2, map/2, reverse/1, reverse/2]).
+--- a/www/code/myappmod.erl
++++ b/www/code/myappmod.erl
+@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
+ -author('klacke at bluetail.com').
+ -include("../../include/yaws_api.hrl").
+ box(Str) ->
+ {'div',[{class,"box"}],
+--- a/www/shoppingcart/shopcart.erl
++++ b/www/shoppingcart/shopcart.erl
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
+ -module(shopcart).
+ -author('klacke at hyber.org').
+ -include("../../include/yaws_api.hrl").
+ -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl").
++-export([top/1, buy/1, index/1, loginpost/1, login/1, logout/1, formupdate/1]).
+ %% this is the opaque structure we pass to the
+ %% yaws cookie session server
Added: yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20.patch
--- yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20.patch (rev 0)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/patches/e20.patch 2017-07-10 08:39:16 UTC (rev 1941)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+From: Steve Vinoski <vinoski at ieee.org>, Ning <ning.m.zhang at gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:17:52 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Changes for Erlang/OTP 20.0
+ .
+ In testsuite.erl, explicitly disable SNI if not set because in
+ Erlang/OTP 20.0, it is set by default to the Host value used in
+ ssl:connect/4 (Christopher).
+ .
+ Fix old-style catch in yaws_server.erl that caused a compilation
+ warning under Erlang/OTP 20.0 (Steve).
+ .
+ Remove an old zlib workaround in yaws_zlib.erl, as it's no longer
+ needed (Christopher).
+ .
+ [PATCH] Simplified the rand/0 function by relying on yaws_dynopts
+ module in all cases.
+--- a/src/yaws_server.erl
++++ b/src/yaws_server.erl
+@@ -2127,21 +2127,7 @@ handle_auth(ARG, _Auth_H, Auth_methods=#auth{users=[],pam=false,mod=[]}, Ret) ->
+ {Ret, Auth_methods};
+ handle_auth(ARG, Auth_H, Auth_methods = #auth{mod = Mod}, Ret) when Mod /= [] ->
+- case catch Mod:auth(ARG, Auth_methods) of
+- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+- L = ?F("authmod crashed ~n~p:auth(~p, ~n ~p) \n"
+- "Reason: ~p~n"
+- "Stack: ~p~n",
+- [Mod, ARG, Auth_methods, Reason,
+- erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
+- handle_crash(ARG, L),
+- CliSock = case yaws_api:get_sslsocket(ARG#arg.clisock) of
+- {ok, SslSock} -> SslSock;
+- undefined -> ARG#arg.clisock
+- end,
+- deliver_accumulated(CliSock),
+- exit(normal);
++ try Mod:auth(ARG, Auth_methods) of
+ %% appmod means the auth headers are undefined, i.e. false.
+ %% TODO: change so that authmods simply return true/false
+ {true, User} ->
+@@ -2160,6 +2146,20 @@ handle_auth(ARG, Auth_H, Auth_methods = #auth{mod = Mod}, Ret) when Mod /= [] ->
+ _ ->
+ maybe_auth_log(403, ARG),
+ false_403
++ catch
++ _:Reason ->
++ L = ?F("authmod crashed ~n~p:auth(~p, ~n ~p) \n"
++ "Reason: ~p~n"
++ "Stack: ~p~n",
++ [Mod, ARG, Auth_methods, Reason,
++ erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
++ handle_crash(ARG, L),
++ CliSock = case yaws_api:get_sslsocket(ARG#arg.clisock) of
++ {ok, SslSock} -> SslSock;
++ undefined -> ARG#arg.clisock
++ end,
++ deliver_accumulated(CliSock),
++ exit(normal)
+ end;
+ %% if the headers are undefined we do not need to check Pam or Users
+--- a/src/yaws_zlib.erl
++++ b/src/yaws_zlib.erl
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ gzipDeflate(Z, undefined, Bin, Flush) ->
+ gzipDeflate(Z, {Crc32,Size}, Bin, Flush) ->
+ Bs = zlib:deflate(Z, Bin, Flush),
+- {ok, Crc1} = crc32(Z, Crc32, Bin),
++ Crc1 = zlib:crc32(Z, Crc32, Bin),
+ Size1 = Size+size(Bin),
+ Data =
+ if
+@@ -101,12 +101,3 @@ gzip_loop(Z, P, [], C, A) ->
+ gzip_loop(Z, P, C, [], A);
+ gzip_loop(Z, P, I, C, A) when is_integer(I) ->
+ gzip_loop(Z, P, <<I>>, C, A).
+-%% To work around a bug in zlib.
+-crc32(Z, CRC, Binary) ->
+- case port_control(Z, 17, <<CRC:32, Binary/binary>>) of
+- [2,A,B,C,D] -> {ok, (A bsl 24)+(B bsl 16)+(C bsl 8)+D}
+- end.
+--- a/testsuite/testsuite.erl
++++ b/testsuite/testsuite.erl
+@@ -457,7 +457,13 @@ set_default_sockopts(https, SockOpts) ->
+ {verify, _} -> SockOpts;
+ false -> [{verify, verify_none}|SockOpts]
+ end,
+- set_default_sockopts(http, SockOpts1);
++ %% Explicitly disable SNI if not set because in Erlang/OTP 20.0, it is set
++ %% by default to the Host value used in ssl:connect/4.
++ SockOpts2 = case lists:keyfind(server_name_indication, 1, SockOpts1) of
++ {server_name_indication, _} -> SockOpts1;
++ false -> [{server_name_indication, disable}|SockOpts1]
++ end,
++ set_default_sockopts(http, SockOpts2);
+ set_default_sockopts(http, SockOpts) ->
+ [binary, {active, false}|SockOpts].
+--- a/src/yaws_ctl.erl
++++ b/src/yaws_ctl.erl
+@@ -54,23 +54,9 @@ run(GC) ->
+ end.
+ rand() ->
+- case os:type() of
+- {win32, _} ->
+- {A1, A2, A3}=yaws:get_time_tuple(),
+- yaws_dynopts:random_seed(A1, A2, A3),
+- yaws_dynopts:random_uniform(1 bsl 64);
+- _ ->
+- try
+- crypto:start(),
+- crypto:rand_uniform(0, 1 bsl 64)
+- catch
+- _:_ ->
+- error_logger:warning_msg("Running without crypto app\n"),
+- {A1, A2, A3}=yaws:get_time_tuple(),
+- yaws_dynopts:random_seed(A1, A2, A3),
+- yaws_dynopts:random_uniform(1 bsl 64)
+- end
+- end.
++ {A1, A2, A3} = yaws:get_time_tuple(),
++ yaws_dynopts:random_seed(A1, A2, A3),
++ yaws_dynopts:random_uniform(1 bsl 64).
Modified: yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series 2017-07-08 07:40:16 UTC (rev 1940)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series 2017-07-10 08:39:16 UTC (rev 1941)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-# Nothing here
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