[Pkg-erlang-devel] CouchDB packaging updates

Elliot Murphy elliot at canonical.com
Mon Nov 9 21:12:55 UTC 2009

Thanks for writing back!

On 11/09/2009 02:19 PM, Sam Bisbee wrote:
> For the local user install option, would it still have the ability to serve to
> the network devices? If yes, then this feels weird to me. If no, this still
> seems a bit odd as it breaks the paradigm that most all database systems are
> using right now: one or more installs as system wide applications that
> subsequent applications pull from.

I will try to explain a bit better. Splitting out couchdb-bin allows:

installing couchdb will gives an end result exactly like we have now,
with couchdb started via init script at boot. Existing packages such as
chef that depend on couchdb continue to work with no change required.

Installing couchdb-bin installs the couchdb binaries with no init
script, so that there is no systemwide instance of couchdb running.

This seems to offer the most flexibility, anyone who wants a system wide
install can get it by installing couchdb. It also enables
http://launchpad.net/desktopcouch to depend on couchdb-bin to get a
demand-started couchdb instance. Booting an unwanted systemwide couchdb
instance gets a lot of unwanted attention when reviewing bootspeed
performance charts :)

Is this a style thing, or is there any bad effect from having two binary
packages instead of a single monolithic one?

Learning-all-I-can'ly yours,
Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/

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