Processed: Re: Bug#261994: exim4: Exim daemon doesn't stop on purge

Debian Bug Tracking System
Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:18:03 -0700

Processing commands for

> ## On 2004-07-29 Tilman Koschnick <> wrote:
> ## [...]
> ## > Sure. Looks like exim's init.d file is removed with exim4-base before
> ## > removal of exim4-daemon-light can trigger it.
> ## [...]
> ##
> ## indeed. Seems like apt is ignoring policy 7.2
> ## | The Depends field should also be used if the postinst, prerm or postrm
> ## | scripts require the package to be present in order to run.
> ## in this case. (I cannot reproduce myself in the sid chroot, but I
> ## assume it somehow hangs itself in provides/conflicts/replaces/depends)
> ##
> ## We'll work around it by also stopping the daemon in exim4-base
> ## "postrm remove".
> clone 261994 -1
Bug#261994: exim4: Exim daemon doesn't stop on purge
Bug is marked as being merged with others.

> unmerge -1
Bug number -1 not found.

> reassign -1 apt
Bug number -1 not found.

> retitle -1 "apt-get --purge remove ..." purges package before uninstalling depending package
Bug number -1 not found.

> tags 261994 pending
Bug#261994: exim4: Exim daemon doesn't stop on purge
There were no tags set.
Bug#262262: exim4: removing exim left it running
Tags added: pending

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)