Bug#275366: exim4: Exim4 on Debian sid runs with the name "107" instead of "Debian-exim"

Brad Sims Brad Sims <bsims@abnt.org>, 275366@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 15 Dec 2004 18:37:32 -0600

On Wednesday 15 December 2004 6:19 am, you wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 12:27:25PM -0500, Brad Sims wrote:
> > Subject :Exim4 on Debian sid runs with the name "107" instead of "Debian-exim"
> > Package: exim4
> > Version: 4.34-6
> [...] 
> > At first I thought I had a system break in but it appears not to be
> > the case.
> [...]
> Can you describe in a little bit more detail what "runs with the name
> "107"" means? How do you check this, how do you reproduce this, what
> does
> getent passwd Debian-exim
> getent group Debian-exim
> say?
>       thanks, cu andreas

When I say "runs with the name 107" I mean that 'ps auxf|grep exim' returns    
107      17374  0.0  0.0   4228   260 ?        <mind the wrap>
Ss   Dec07   0:00 /usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -q30m

pstree shows it correctly as exim4 however. It has done this consistently,
for a while now.

getent passwd Debian-exim returns:
getent group Debian-exim returns:

Exim, and  dbus-daemon are the only packages that shows this behavior. 
dbus-daemon displays the name 103 in ps auxf... 
getent passwd messagebus:
getent group messagebus:

ps --version returns: 
procps version 3.2.4

"If women knew, if they even had the slightest idea of what
men were thinking, they'd never stop slapping us." -- Larry Miller