Bug#286074: marked as forwarded (eximstats: uses message count as data for the "volume" charts)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 05:18:08 -0800
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has caused the Debian Bug report #286074,
regarding eximstats: uses message count as data for the "volume" charts
to be marked as having been forwarded to the upstream software
author(s) exim-users@exim.org.
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Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 14:03:16 +0100
From: Andreas Metzler <eximusers@downhill.at.eu.org>
To: exim-users@exim.org
Cc: Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org>, 286074-forwarded@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#286074: eximstats: uses message count as data for the "volume" charts
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This is <http://bugs.debian.org/286074> submitted by Wouter Verhelst,
the report is aganst 4.34, but eximstats in 4.43 is unchanged.
thanks, cu andreas
When using eximstats with the -html and -charts options, it produces a
number of charts, including pie charts for the "Top 50 host destinations
by (volume|message count)" tables.
For the message count pie chart, it orders the pies by message count and
makes them thicker or smaller depending on the number of messages. One
would expect that for the volume pie chart, it would work similar --
that it would order pies by volume, and make them thicker or smaller
depending on the volume. However, it does not do that; it correctly
orders them, but uses the message count to determine the size of a pie.
This patch fixes that behaviour:
--- /usr/sbin/eximstats 2004-12-17 13:36:44.381983753 +0100
+++ eximstats 2004-12-17 13:36:32.708504891 +0100
@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@
if (scalar @chartdatanames < $ntopchart)
push(@chartdatanames, $key);
- push(@chartdatavals, $$m_count{$key});
+ push(@chartdatavals, $$m_data{$key});