Bug#286525: exim4: [INTL:de] Update German translation de.po
Christian Perrier
Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>, 286525-maintonly@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 07:06:43 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Quoting Dennis Stampfer (seppy@debian.org):
> Package: exim4
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: patch, l10n
> Hey,
> please include attached debconf translation update in the next upload.
> Thanks.
Uh oh.....There is currently some work on exim4 templates as Andreas
(Metzler, who maintains exim4) is planning an update which will break
one of the templates.
So, I offered him to handle this change, he sent me the new
templates.pot file, IP updated all PO files and then posted a call for
update to translators...Only one string was fuzzied, which is quite
easy to fix.
Helge Kreutzmann, who is the translator registered in the PO file,
then received my mail and answered it by sending me back the PO file.
Andreas is aware of all this and we both agreed that I will collect
everything and send it to him rather than asking the 35 translators to
post a bug report ....
It seems that, in the meantime, some proofreading was made....and this
is what you send in this bug report....however, with the "old"
templates.pot file.
Please find attached the de.po file which was sent by Helge Kreutzmann
as well as the future templates.pot file. I think the correct handling
of this situation, for avoiding confusion is:
-you and Helge coordinate and decide about the future de.po file. This
file *must* be based on attached templates.pot and not on the one
currently in the package
-you send it directly to me
-you close *this* bug report, just in case, so that no future
confusuon may happen
Content-Type: application/x-gettext
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="de.po"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
#=0A# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext=
=0A# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to=0A=
# this format, e.g. by running:=0A# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'=
=0A# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'=0A#=0A# Some information sp=
ecific to po-debconf are available at=0A# /usr/share/doc/po-debc=
onf/README-trans=0A# or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/=
README-trans=0A#=0A# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO f=
iles.=0A# Andreas Metzler <ametzler@debian.org>=0A# Dennis Stampfer <=
seppy@debian.org>=0A#=0Amsgid ""=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Project-Id-Version: exim4 4=
=2E24-1\n"=0A"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"=0A"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-12-18 15=
:08+0100\n"=0A"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-15 15:05-0200\n"=0A"Last-Translato=
r: Helge Kreutzmann <kreutzm@itp.uni-hannover.de>\n"=0A"Language-Team: Debi=
an German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"=0A"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"=
=0A"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DISO-8859-1\n"=0A"Content-Transfer-E=
ncoding: 8bit\n"=0A"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.5\n"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#.=
Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:4=0Amsgid "Remove undelive=
red mails in spool directory?"=0Amsgstr "Nicht zugestellte E-Mails im =BBsp=
ool=AB-Verzeichnis l=F6schen?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: =
=2E./exim4-base.templates.master:4=0Amsgid ""=0A"There are mails in the exi=
m spool directory /var/spool/exim4/input which "=0A"have not yet been deliv=
ered. You can keep them in case you decide to re-"=0A"install Exim at a lat=
er date, or you can choose to remove them."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Im =BBspool=AB-V=
erzeichnis /var/spool/exim4/input, das Exim zum "=0A"Zwischenspeichern nutz=
t, befinden sich E-Mails, die noch nicht zugestellt "=0A"wurden. Sie k=F6nn=
en sie f=FCr den Fall, dass Sie Exim sp=E4ter wieder "=0A"installieren, auf=
bewahren oder jetzt l=F6schen lassen."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Descripti=
on=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12=0Amsgid "Move yet undelivered mai=
ls from exim(v3) to exim4 spool?"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Nicht zugestellte E-Mails =
im =BBspool=AB-Verzeichnis von Exim(v3) in das von "=0A"Exim4 verschieben?"=
=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master=
:12=0Amsgid ""=0A"There are some undelivered mails in the spool directory o=
f exim or exim-tls "=0A"in /var/spool/exim/input/. They can be moved to ex=
im4's spool (/var/spool/"=0A"exim4/input/) now where they will be handled b=
y exim4."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Im Verzeichnis /var/spool/exim/input, das Exim(v3)=
und Exim-tls zum "=0A"Zwischenspeichern nutzen, befinden sich nicht zugest=
ellte E-Mails. Diese "=0A"k=F6nnen in das zu diesem Zweck von Exim4 verwend=
ete Verzeichnis, /var/spool/"=0A"exim4/input, verschoben werden. Sie werden=
dann von Exim4 bearbeitet."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ..=
/exim4-base.templates.master:12=0Amsgid ""=0A"Be aware that this works only=
one-way, exim4 can handle exim(v3)'s spool but "=0A"not the other way roun=
d."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Vorsicht, das funktioniert nur in eine Richtung, Exim4 k=
ann die E-Mails von "=0A"Exim(v3) bearbeiten, aber nicht umgekehrt."=0A=0A#=
=2E Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12=
=0Amsgid ""=0A"Move the mails only if you don't plan to go back to exim(v3)=
, otherwise the "=0A"mail shouldn't be moved now but manually once you've c=
onverted your setup."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Sie sollten die E-Mails nur verschiebe=
n, wenn Sie nicht vorhaben, wieder von "=0A"Exim4 zu Exim(v3) zu wechseln, =
andernfalls sollten Sie die E-Mails nicht "=0A"jetzt automatisch, sondern e=
rst sp=E4ter, wenn Sie Exim4 vollst=E4ndig "=0A"eingerichtet haben, von Han=
d verschieben."=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#. Translators beware! =
the following six strings form a single=0A#. Choices menu. - Every one of t=
hese strings has to fit in a standard=0A#. 80 characters console, as the fa=
ncy screen setup takes up some space=0A#. try to keep below ~71 characters.=
=0A#. DO NOT USE commas (,) in Choices translations otherwise=0A#. this wil=
l break the choices shown to users=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9=
=0Amsgid "internet site; mail is sent and received directly using SMTP"=0Am=
sgstr "Internet-Server - E-Mail wird direkt =FCber SMTP versandt und empfan=
gen"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.maste=
r:9=0Amsgid "mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail"=0Amsgs=
tr "Versand =FCber Smarthost (Relay); Empfang mit SMTP oder fetchmail"=0A=
=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9=0Am=
sgid "mail sent by smarthost; no local mail"=0Amsgstr "Versand =FCber Relay=
-Host ohne lokale Zustellung normaler E-Mail"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Cho=
ices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9=0Amsgid "local delivery only; =
not on a network"=0Amsgstr "Nur lokale E-Mailzustellung (keine Netzwerkverb=
indung)"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.m=
aster:9=0Amsgid "manually convert from handcrafted Exim v3 configuration"=
=0Amsgstr "Manuelles =DCbernehmen einer bestehenden Exim v3 Konfiguration"=
=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Choices=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9=
=0Amsgid "no configuration at this time"=0Amsgstr "Keine Konfiguration zum =
jetzigen Zeitpunkt"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-con=
fig.templates.master:10=0Amsgid "General type of mail configuration:"=0Amsg=
str "E-Mail-Konfigurationsart:"=0A=0A#. Type: select=0A#. Description=0A#: =
=2E./exim4-config.templates.master:10=0Amsgid "Select the configuration typ=
e that best meets your needs."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"W=E4hlen Sie die Konfiguratio=
nsart, die Ihren Bed=FCrfnissen am besten "=0A"entspricht."=0A=0A#. Type: s=
elect=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:10=0Amsgid ""=
=0A"Systems with dynamic IP addresses, including dialup systems, should "=
=0A"generally be configured to send outgoing mail to another machine, calle=
d a "=0A"\"smart host\" for delivery. You can choose to receive mail on suc=
h a "=0A"system; or to have no local mail delivery, except mail for root an=
d "=0A"postmaster."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Systeme mit wechselnder IP-Adresse (z.B.=
Dial-In-Zugang) sollten ausgehende "=0A"E-Mails zur Zustellung an einen Re=
lay-Server (=BBSmarthost=AB) weitergeben. Sie "=0A"k=F6nnen w=E4hlen, ob ei=
n derartiges System E-Mail empfangen und lokal zustellen "=0A"oder ob nur E=
-Mail f=FCr root und postmaster lokal zugestellt werden soll."=0A=0A#. Type=
: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:21=0Amsgid=
"Configure Exim4 manually?"=0Amsgstr "Exim4 manuell konfigurieren?"=0A=0A#=
=2E Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:21=
=0Amsgid ""=0A"You indicated that you have a handcrafted Exim 3 configurati=
on. To convert "=0A"this to Exim 4, you can use the exim_convert4r4(8) tool=
after the "=0A"installation. Consult /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/examples/ex=
ample.conf.gz "=0A"and /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz!"=0Amsgst=
r ""=0A"Es ist eine manuell erstellte Exim-v3-Konfiguration vorhanden, die =
an Exim4 "=0A"angepasst werden sollte. Sie k=F6nnen nach der Installation v=
ersuchen, sie mit "=0A"exim_convert4r4(8) zu =FCbernehmen. Lesen Sie bitte =
/usr/share/doc/exim4-base/"=0A"examples/example.conf.gz und /usr/share/doc/=
exim4-base/README.Debian.gz!"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: .=
=2E/exim4-config.templates.master:21=0Amsgid ""=0A"Until your mail system i=
s configured, it will be broken and cannot be used."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Das E-M=
ailsystem ist solange nicht funktionsf=E4hig bis Sie es konfigurieren."=0A=
=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:=
34=0Amsgid "Really leave the mail system unconfigured?"=0Amsgstr "Soll das =
E-Mailsystem wirklich nicht konfiguriert werden?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#=
=2E Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:34=0Amsgid ""=0A"Unti=
l your mail system is configured, it will be broken and cannot be used. "=
=0A"You can of course configure it later, either by hand or by running \"dp=
kg-"=0A"reconfigure exim4-config\" as root."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Das E-Mailsyste=
m ist nicht funktionsf=E4hig, bis Sie es konfigurieren. Sie "=0A"k=F6nnen E=
xim nat=FCrlich sp=E4ter manuell konfigurieren oder als root =BBdpkg-"=0A"r=
econfigure exim4-config=AB aufrufen."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41=0Amsgid "System mail name:"=0Amsg=
str "E-Mailname des Systems:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ..=
/exim4-config.templates.master:41=0Amsgid ""=0A"Your \"mail name\" is the h=
ostname portion of the address to be shown on "=0A"outgoing news and mail m=
essages (following the username and @ sign) unless "=0A"hidden with rewriti=
ng."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Der =BBE-Mailname=AB ist der dem Nutzernamen und '@'-Ze=
ichen folgende Teil der "=0A"Adresse. Er taucht in ausgehender E-Mail auf, =
wenn er nicht mit rewriting "=0A"verborgen wird."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#.=
Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41=0Amsgid ""=0A"This na=
me will also be used by other programs; it should be the single, full "=0A"=
domain name (FQDN) from which mail will appear to originate."=0Amsgstr ""=
=0A"Dieser Name wird auch von anderen Programmen genutzt, es sollte der "=
=0A"eindeutige voll-qualifizierte Domainname (FQDN) dieses Rechners sein, e=
r ist "=0A"i.d.R. Teil der Absender-Adresse lokal erzeugter E-Mails."=0A=0A=
#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41=
=0Amsgid ""=0A"This name won't appear on From: lines of outgoing mails if y=
ou enable "=0A"rewriting."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Dieser Name taucht nicht im Absen=
der (From:) ausgehender E-Mail auf, wenn "=0A"=BBrewriting=AB aktiviert wir=
d."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.ma=
ster:55=0Amsgid "Other destinations for which mail is accepted:"=0Amsgstr "=
Weitere Rechner, f=FCr die E-Mail angenommen werden soll:"=0A=0A#. Type: st=
ring=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55=0Amsgid ""=
=0A"Please enter a list of domains for which this machine should consider i=
tself "=0A"the final destination, apart from the local hostname (${fqdn}) a=
nd "=0A"\"localhost\"."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Bitte geben Sie eine Liste der Dom=
=E4nen an, f=FCr die dieser Rechner sich als "=0A"endg=FCltiges Ziel betrac=
hten soll, abgesehen vom lokalen Rechnernamen "=0A"(${fqdn}) und =BBlocalho=
st=AB."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.template=
s.master:55=0Amsgid ""=0A"By default all domains will be treated the same; =
if you want different "=0A"domain names to be treated differently, you will=
need to edit the config "=0A"files afterwards."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Laut Vorein=
stellung werden alle angef=FChrten Dom=E4nen gleich behandelt; wenn "=0A"un=
terschiedliche Dom=E4nen unterschiedlich behandelt werden sollen, m=FCssen =
Sie "=0A"die Konfigurationsdateien bearbeiten."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. D=
escription=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55=0Amsgid ""=0A"If there =
are any more, enter them here, separated by colons. You may leave "=0A"this=
blank if there are none."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Wenn ja, f=FChren Sie sie hier in=
Form einer durch Doppelpunkte getrennten "=0A"Liste an. Andernfalls sollte=
n Sie das Feld einfach leer lassen."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70=0Amsgid "Domains to relay mail fo=
r:"=0Amsgstr "Dom=E4nen, f=FCr die dieser Rechner E-Mail weiterleitet (Rela=
y):"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.m=
aster:70=0Amsgid "Please enter here the domains for which you accept to rel=
ay the mail."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Geben Sie die Dom=E4nen an, f=FCr die dieser R=
echner E-Mail annimmt und "=0A"weiterleitet."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Des=
cription=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70=0Amsgid ""=0A"Such domain=
s are domains for which you are prepared to accept mail from "=0A"anywhere =
on the Internet. Do not mention local domains here."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"E-Mail =
von beliebigen anderen Rechnern im Internet, die an diese Dom=E4ne "=0A"adr=
essiert ist, wird angenommen. Lokale Dom=E4nen sollten hier nicht angef=FCh=
rt "=0A"werden.."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-confi=
g.templates.master:70=0Amsgid ""=0A"The domains you enter here should be se=
parated by colons. Wildcards may be "=0A"used."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Die Dom=E4ne=
n sollten in Form einer durch Doppelpunkte getrennten Liste "=0A"angef=FChr=
t werden. Sie k=F6nnen Platzhalter (=BB*.foo=AB) verwenden."=0A=0A#. Type: =
string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82=0Amsgid "M=
achines to relay mail for:"=0Amsgstr "Rechner, f=FCr die ausgehende E-Mail =
weitergeleitet wird (Relay):"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ..=
/exim4-config.templates.master:82=0Amsgid ""=0A"Please enter here the netwo=
rks of local machines for which you accept to "=0A"relay the mail."=0Amsgst=
r ""=0A"F=FChren Sie die Netze lokaler Rechner, f=FCr die dieser Rechner E-=
Mail "=0A"weiterleiten soll, hier an."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Descriptio=
n=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82=0Amsgid ""=0A"This should includ=
e a list of all machines that will use us as a smarthost."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"A=
lle Rechner, denen dieser Rechner als Smarthost dient, sollten hier "=0A"an=
gef=FChrt werden."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-conf=
ig.templates.master:82=0Amsgid ""=0A"If there are any, enter them here, sep=
arated by colons. You should use the "=0A"standard address/length format (e=
=2Eg."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Wenn ja, f=FChren Sie diese hier, =
voneinander durch Doppelpunkte getrennt, "=0A"auf. Sie sollten das Standard=
-Adresse/Maske-Format (z.B. "=0A"verwenden."=0A=0A#. Type=
: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82=0Amsgid =
""=0A"You need to double the colons in IPv6 addresses (e.g. "=0A"5f03::1200=
::836f::::/48)"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Sie m=FCssen die Doppelpunkte innerhalb von =
IPv6-Adressen verdoppeln, z.B. "=0A"5f03::1200::836f::::/48."=0A=0A#. Type:=
string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:96=0Amsgid "=
Visible domain name for local users:"=0Amsgstr "Sichtbare Dom=E4ne f=FCr di=
e lokalen Benutzer:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-co=
nfig.templates.master:96=0Amsgid ""=0A"Since you enabled hiding the local m=
ailname in outgoing mail, you must "=0A"specify the domain name to use for =
mail from local users; typically this is "=0A"the machine on which you norm=
ally receive your mail."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Da Sie den E-Mailnamen des Systems =
in ausgehenden E-Mails verbergen, m=FCssen "=0A"Sie die Dom=E4ne angeben, d=
ie f=FCr E-Mails von lokalen Benutzern verwendet "=0A"werden soll. Typische=
rweise ist das der Name des Rechners, auf dem die "=0A"lokalen Benutzer ihr=
e E-Mails normalerweise empfangen."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:96=0Amsgid "Where will your users re=
ad their mail?"=0Amsgstr "Wo lesen die Benutzer ihre E-Mails?"=0A=0A#. Type=
: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:105=0Amsgid=
"Machine handling outgoing mail for this host (smarthost):"=0Amsgstr ""=0A=
"Rechner, der die Weiterleitung ausgehender E-Mail vornimmt (Smarthost):"=
=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.maste=
r:105=0Amsgid "Enter the hostname of the machine to which outgoing mail is =
sent."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Geben Sie den Namen des Rechners an, an den ausgehend=
e E-Mail gesendet "=0A"werden soll."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=
=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:105=0Amsgid ""=0A"Refer to /usr/shar=
e/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH for notes about setting "=0A"up SMTP auth=
entication."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"In /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH f=
inden Sie eine kurze "=0A"Anleitung zum Einrichten von SMTP-Authentifizieru=
ng."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.m=
aster:113=0Amsgid "Root and postmaster mail recipient:"=0Amsgstr "Empf=E4ng=
er f=FCr E-Mail f=FCr root und postmaster:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Descr=
iption=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:113=0Amsgid ""=0A"Mail for the=
\"postmaster\", \"root\", and other system accounts is usually "=0A"redire=
cted to the user account of the actual system administrator. If you "=0A"le=
ave this value empty, such mail will be saved in /var/mail/mail, which is "=
=0A"not recommended. Note that postmaster's mail should be read on the syst=
em to "=0A"which it is directed, rather than being forwarded elsewhere, so =
(at least "=0A"one of) the users you choose should not redirect their mail =
off this "=0A"machine. Use a \"real-\" prefix to force local delivery."=0Am=
sgstr ""=0A"E-Mail f=FCr =BBpostmaster=AB, =BBroot=AB und andere Systemkont=
en wird normalerweise "=0A"zum Benutzerkonto des Systemadministrators weite=
rgeleitet. Bleibt dieses "=0A"Feld leer, wird diese E-Mail in /var/mail/mai=
l gespeichert, was allerdings "=0A"nicht empfohlen wird. Zumindest die E-Ma=
ils f=FCr postmaster sollten lokal "=0A"gelesen und nicht auf ein anderes S=
ystem weitergeleitet werden, daher sollte "=0A"zumindest einer der Benutzer=
, die Sie angeben, seine E-Mails nicht "=0A"weiterleiten. Verwenden Sie den=
Pr=E4fix =BBreal-=AB um lokale Zustellung zu "=0A"erzwingen."=0A=0A#. Type=
: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:113=0Amsgid=
"Enter one or more usernames separated by spaces."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"F=FChren=
Sie einen oder mehrere Benutzernamen getrennt durch Leerzeichen an."=0A=0A=
#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:128=
=0Amsgid "Overwrite existing /etc/aliases?"=0Amsgstr "Bestehende Datei /etc=
/aliases =FCberschreiben?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../e=
xim4-config.templates.master:128=0Amsgid ""=0A"You already have an /etc/ali=
ases file, but it does not redirect mail for "=0A"root to a user account, w=
hich is strongly recommended. If you accept "=0A"overwriting it, the old fi=
le will be kept and renamed to aliases.O."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Sie haben bereits=
eine Datei /etc/aliases, diese leitet aber E-Mail f=FCr root "=0A"nicht au=
f ein normales Benutzerkonto um, was sehr zu empfehlen w=E4re. Wenn "=0A"Si=
e zustimmen die Datei zu =FCberschreiben, wird die alte Version unter dem "=
=0A"Namen aliases.O gespeichert."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#=
: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136=0Amsgid "IP-addresses to listen on f=
or incoming SMTP connections:"=0Amsgstr ""=0A"IP-Adressen, auf welchen Exim=
eingehende SMTP-Verbindungen beantwortet:"=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Descr=
iption=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136=0Amsgid ""=0A"Enter a colo=
n-separated list of IP-addresses to listen on. You need to "=0A"double the=
colons in IPv6 addresses (e.g. 5f03::1200::836f::::)."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Gebe=
n Sie eine durch Doppelpunkte getrennte Liste von IP-Adressen an, auf "=0A"=
denen Exim lauschen soll. Sie m=FCssen die Doppelpunkte innerhalb von IPv6-=
"=0A"Adressen verdoppeln (z.B. 5f03::1200::836f::::)."=0A=0A#. Type: string=
=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136=0Amsgid ""=0A"I=
f you leave this value empty, Exim will listen for connections on the SMTP =
"=0A"port of all available network interfaces."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Wenn Sie kei=
ne Adressen angeben und die Liste leer lassen, wird Exim auf "=0A"allen ver=
f=FCgbaren Netzwerkschnittstellen eingehende SMTP-Verbindungen "=0A"beantwo=
rten."=0A=0A#. Type: string=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates=
=2Emaster:136=0Amsgid ""=0A"If this computer does not receive e-mail direct=
ly per SMTP from OTHER hosts, "=0A"but only from local services like fetchm=
ail or your e-mail program (MUA) "=0A"talking to localhost you should prohi=
bit external connections to Exim by "=0A"setting this option to a=
nd therefore disabling listening on public "=0A"network interfaces."=0Amsgs=
tr ""=0A"Wenn dieser Computer nicht direkt E-Mail per SMTP von anderen Rech=
nern "=0A"empf=E4ngt, sondern nur von lokalen Programmen wie fetchmail oder=
Ihrem E-Mail-"=0A"Programm, die sich mit =BBlocalhost=AB verbinden, sollte=
n Sie das Verbinden "=0A"externer Rechner zu Exim unterbinden, indem Sie di=
ese Option auf "=0A"setzen und dadurch verhindern, dass Exim =FCb=
erhaupt auf den externen "=0A"Netzwerkschnittstellen lauscht."=0A=0A#. Type=
: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152=0Amsgi=
d "Keep number of DNS-queries minimal (Dial-on-Demand)?"=0Amsgstr "DNS-Anfr=
agen minimieren (Automatisches Einw=E4hlen/Dial-on-Demand)?"=0A=0A#. Type: =
boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152=0Amsgid =
""=0A"In normal mode of operation Exim makes DNS-lookups at startup, when "=
=0A"receiving or delivering message, etc. for logging purposes and to keep =
the "=0A"number of hard-coded values in the configuration file small."=0Ams=
gstr ""=0A"Normalerweise f=FChrt Exim diverse DNS Abfragen durch; beim Star=
t, beim "=0A"Empfangen oder beim Zustellen von Nachrichten, f=FCr die Logda=
tei und um die "=0A"Anzahl fest eingetragener Werte in der Konfiguration kl=
ein zu halten."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config=
=2Etemplates.master:152=0Amsgid ""=0A"If this were a host without permanent=
DNS-nameserver-access using Dial-on-"=0A"Demand this might have the unwant=
ed consequence that starting up exim or "=0A"running the queue (even with n=
o messages waiting) might trigger a costly "=0A"dial-up-event."=0Amsgstr ""=
=0A"Wenn dieser Rechner keinen dauerhaften Zugang zu DNS-Servern hat und si=
ch "=0A"bei versuchtem Zugriff auf das Netz automatisch einw=E4hlt (Dial-on=
-Demand), "=0A"kann somit das Starten von Exim oder das Abarbeiten der Wart=
eschlange "=0A"(sogar, wenn diese leer ist) zu einer kostenverursachenden E=
inwahl f=FChren."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-conf=
ig.templates.master:152=0Amsgid ""=0A"Enable this feature if you are using =
Dial-on-Demand; otherwise, disable it."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Aktivieren Sie die O=
ption, wenn Sie automatische Einwahl (Dial-on-Demand) "=0A"verwenden, deakt=
ivieren Sie sie andernfalls."=0A=0A#. Type: title=0A#. Description=0A#: ../=
exim4-config.templates.master:166=0Amsgid "Configuring Exim v4 (exim4-confi=
g)"=0Amsgstr "Konfiguriere Exim v4 (exim4-config)"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A=
#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170=0Amsgid "Split con=
figuration into small files?"=0Amsgstr "Konfiguration auf kleine Dateien au=
fteilen?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templ=
ates.master:170=0Amsgid ""=0A"The Debian exim4 packages can either use a si=
ngle monolithic file (/etc/"=0A"exim4/exim4.conf.template) or about 40 smal=
l files in /etc/exim4/conf.d/ to "=0A"generate the final configuration."=0A=
msgstr ""=0A"Die Debian-Exim4-Pakete k=F6nnen entweder eine gro=DFe (/etc/e=
xim4/exim4.conf."=0A"template) oder rund 40 kleine Dateien in /etc/exim4/co=
nf.d/ als Datenquelle "=0A"zum Erstellen der endg=FCltigen Konfiguration ve=
rwenden."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templ=
ates.master:170=0Amsgid ""=0A"The former is better suited for large modific=
ations and is generally more "=0A"stable, whereas the latter offers a comfo=
rtable way to make smaller "=0A"modifications but is more fragile and might=
break if modified extensively."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Ersteres eignet sich besser=
f=FCr gr=F6=DFere Modifikationen und ist grunds=E4tzlich "=0A"robuster, zw=
eiteres erm=F6glicht es, mit geringem Aufwand kleine =C4nderungen "=0A"vorz=
unehmen, ist allerdings auch fragiler und k=F6nnte aber bei weitgehenden "=
=0A"Ver=E4nderungen nicht mehr funktionieren."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. D=
escription=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170=0Amsgid "If you are un=
sure then you should not use split configuration."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Im Zweife=
lsfall sollten Sie sich gegen die Aufteilung in kleine Dateien "=0A"entsche=
iden."=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.template=
s.master:184=0Amsgid "Hide local mail name in outgoing mail?"=0Amsgstr "Lok=
alen E-Mailnamen in ausgehender E-Mail verbergen?"=0A=0A#. Type: boolean=0A=
#. Description=0A#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:184=0Amsgid ""=0A"The =
headers of outgoing mail can be rewritten to make it appear to have been "=
=0A"generated on a different system, replacing \"${mailname}\" \"localhost\=
" and "=0A"\"${dc_other_hostnames}\" in From, Reply-To, Sender and Return-P=
ath."=0Amsgstr ""=0A"Die Kopfzeilen ausgehender E-Mails k=F6nnen umgeschrie=
ben werden, so dass es "=0A"scheint, als ob die E-Mail von einem anderen Re=
chner aus versandt worden "=0A"w=E4re. =BB${mailname}=AB =BBlocalhost=AB un=
d =BB${dc_other_hostnames}=AB in From, Reply-"=0A"To, Sender und Return-Pat=
h werden ersetzt."=0A
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="templates.pot"
# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
# this format, e.g. by running:
# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
# Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
# or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans
# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-12-18 15:08+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:4
msgid "Remove undelivered mails in spool directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:4
msgid ""
"There are mails in the exim spool directory /var/spool/exim4/input which "
"have not yet been delivered. You can keep them in case you decide to re-"
"install Exim at a later date, or you can choose to remove them."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12
msgid "Move yet undelivered mails from exim(v3) to exim4 spool?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12
msgid ""
"There are some undelivered mails in the spool directory of exim or exim-tls "
"in /var/spool/exim/input/. They can be moved to exim4's spool (/var/spool/"
"exim4/input/) now where they will be handled by exim4."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12
msgid ""
"Be aware that this works only one-way, exim4 can handle exim(v3)'s spool but "
"not the other way round."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-base.templates.master:12
msgid ""
"Move the mails only if you don't plan to go back to exim(v3), otherwise the "
"mail shouldn't be moved now but manually once you've converted your setup."
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#. Translators beware! the following six strings form a single
#. Choices menu. - Every one of these strings has to fit in a standard
#. 80 characters console, as the fancy screen setup takes up some space
#. try to keep below ~71 characters.
#. DO NOT USE commas (,) in Choices translations otherwise
#. this will break the choices shown to users
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "internet site; mail is sent and received directly using SMTP"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "mail sent by smarthost; no local mail"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "local delivery only; not on a network"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "manually convert from handcrafted Exim v3 configuration"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:9
msgid "no configuration at this time"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:10
msgid "General type of mail configuration:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:10
msgid "Select the configuration type that best meets your needs."
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:10
msgid ""
"Systems with dynamic IP addresses, including dialup systems, should "
"generally be configured to send outgoing mail to another machine, called a "
"\"smart host\" for delivery. You can choose to receive mail on such a "
"system; or to have no local mail delivery, except mail for root and "
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:21
msgid "Configure Exim4 manually?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:21
msgid ""
"You indicated that you have a handcrafted Exim 3 configuration. To convert "
"this to Exim 4, you can use the exim_convert4r4(8) tool after the "
"installation. Consult /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/examples/example.conf.gz "
"and /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz!"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:21
msgid ""
"Until your mail system is configured, it will be broken and cannot be used."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:34
msgid "Really leave the mail system unconfigured?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:34
msgid ""
"Until your mail system is configured, it will be broken and cannot be used. "
"You can of course configure it later, either by hand or by running \"dpkg-"
"reconfigure exim4-config\" as root."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41
msgid "System mail name:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41
msgid ""
"Your \"mail name\" is the hostname portion of the address to be shown on "
"outgoing news and mail messages (following the username and @ sign) unless "
"hidden with rewriting."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41
msgid ""
"This name will also be used by other programs; it should be the single, full "
"domain name (FQDN) from which mail will appear to originate."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:41
msgid ""
"This name won't appear on From: lines of outgoing mails if you enable "
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55
msgid "Other destinations for which mail is accepted:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55
msgid ""
"Please enter a list of domains for which this machine should consider itself "
"the final destination, apart from the local hostname (${fqdn}) and "
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55
msgid ""
"By default all domains will be treated the same; if you want different "
"domain names to be treated differently, you will need to edit the config "
"files afterwards."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:55
msgid ""
"If there are any more, enter them here, separated by colons. You may leave "
"this blank if there are none."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70
msgid "Domains to relay mail for:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70
msgid "Please enter here the domains for which you accept to relay the mail."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70
msgid ""
"Such domains are domains for which you are prepared to accept mail from "
"anywhere on the Internet. Do not mention local domains here."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:70
msgid ""
"The domains you enter here should be separated by colons. Wildcards may be "
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82
msgid "Machines to relay mail for:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82
msgid ""
"Please enter here the networks of local machines for which you accept to "
"relay the mail."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82
msgid ""
"This should include a list of all machines that will use us as a smarthost."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82
msgid ""
"If there are any, enter them here, separated by colons. You should use the "
"standard address/length format (e.g."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:82
msgid ""
"You need to double the colons in IPv6 addresses (e.g. "
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:96
msgid "Visible domain name for local users:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:96
msgid ""
"Since you enabled hiding the local mailname in outgoing mail, you must "
"specify the domain name to use for mail from local users; typically this is "
"the machine on which you normally receive your mail."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:96
msgid "Where will your users read their mail?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:105
msgid "Machine handling outgoing mail for this host (smarthost):"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:105
msgid "Enter the hostname of the machine to which outgoing mail is sent."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:105
msgid ""
"Refer to /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH for notes about setting "
"up SMTP authentication."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:113
msgid "Root and postmaster mail recipient:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:113
msgid ""
"Mail for the \"postmaster\", \"root\", and other system accounts is usually "
"redirected to the user account of the actual system administrator. If you "
"leave this value empty, such mail will be saved in /var/mail/mail, which is "
"not recommended. Note that postmaster's mail should be read on the system to "
"which it is directed, rather than being forwarded elsewhere, so (at least "
"one of) the users you choose should not redirect their mail off this "
"machine. Use a \"real-\" prefix to force local delivery."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:113
msgid "Enter one or more usernames separated by spaces."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:128
msgid "Overwrite existing /etc/aliases?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:128
msgid ""
"You already have an /etc/aliases file, but it does not redirect mail for "
"root to a user account, which is strongly recommended. If you accept "
"overwriting it, the old file will be kept and renamed to aliases.O."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136
msgid "IP-addresses to listen on for incoming SMTP connections:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136
msgid ""
"Enter a colon-separated list of IP-addresses to listen on. You need to "
"double the colons in IPv6 addresses (e.g. 5f03::1200::836f::::)."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136
msgid ""
"If you leave this value empty, Exim will listen for connections on the SMTP "
"port of all available network interfaces."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:136
msgid ""
"If this computer does not receive e-mail directly per SMTP from OTHER hosts, "
"but only from local services like fetchmail or your e-mail program (MUA) "
"talking to localhost you should prohibit external connections to Exim by "
"setting this option to and therefore disabling listening on public "
"network interfaces."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152
msgid "Keep number of DNS-queries minimal (Dial-on-Demand)?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152
msgid ""
"In normal mode of operation Exim makes DNS-lookups at startup, when "
"receiving or delivering message, etc. for logging purposes and to keep the "
"number of hard-coded values in the configuration file small."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152
msgid ""
"If this were a host without permanent DNS-nameserver-access using Dial-on-"
"Demand this might have the unwanted consequence that starting up exim or "
"running the queue (even with no messages waiting) might trigger a costly "
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:152
msgid ""
"Enable this feature if you are using Dial-on-Demand; otherwise, disable it."
msgstr ""
#. Type: title
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:166
msgid "Configuring Exim v4 (exim4-config)"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170
msgid "Split configuration into small files?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170
msgid ""
"The Debian exim4 packages can either use a single monolithic file (/etc/"
"exim4/exim4.conf.template) or about 40 small files in /etc/exim4/conf.d/ to "
"generate the final configuration."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170
msgid ""
"The former is better suited for large modifications and is generally more "
"stable, whereas the latter offers a comfortable way to make smaller "
"modifications but is more fragile and might break if modified extensively."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:170
msgid "If you are unsure then you should not use split configuration."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:184
msgid "Hide local mail name in outgoing mail?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../exim4-config.templates.master:184
msgid ""
"The headers of outgoing mail can be rewritten to make it appear to have been "
"generated on a different system, replacing \"${mailname}\" \"localhost\" and "
"\"${dc_other_hostnames}\" in From, Reply-To, Sender and Return-Path."
msgstr ""