Bug#255644: marked as done (exim4-config: when still online, sometimes must run queue manually)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Sun, 06 Feb 2005 06:48:50 -0800
Your message dated Sun, 6 Feb 2005 15:44:20 +0100
with message-id <20050206144420.GA26552@lefler.int.l21.ma.zugschlus.de>
and subject line exim4-config: when still online, sometimes must run queue manually
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From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: exim4-config: when still online, sometimes must run queue manually
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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:19:23 +0800
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Package: exim4-config
Version: 4.34-1
Severity: minor
Possible problem with the QUEUERUNNER='ppp' option:
The user goes on line and the queue is run.
After a queue run is over, he say does update-exim4.conf, then tries to
send a mail:
12:46:11 End queue run: pid=11691 -qqf
12:49:04 1BcdDU-0003HH-3V <= jidanni@jidanni.org U=jidanni P=local S=429 id=40D7BA40.nail9Q211922C@jidanni1
12:49:04 1BcdDU-0003HH-3V == jidanni@bigggfoot.com R=smarthost T=remote_smtp_smarthost defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host
He must run the queue again manually, even though we're still online.
Maybe the problem occurs if I didn't do a update-exim4.conf too.
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Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 15:44:20 +0100
From: Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>
To: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>, 255644-done@bugs.debian.org
Cc: Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>
Subject: Re: exim4-config: when still online, sometimes must run queue manually
Message-ID: <20050206144420.GA26552@lefler.int.l21.ma.zugschlus.de>
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This bug report is _very_ unclear. Please try to make yourself
understandable in the future.
On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 01:19:23PM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> Possible problem with the QUEUERUNNER='ppp' option:
> The user goes on line and the queue is run.
> He must run the queue again manually, even though we're still online.
That's a feature.
# 'combined' - one daemon running queue and listening on SMTP port
# 'no' - no daemon running the queue
# 'separate' - two separate daemons
# 'ppp' - only run queue with /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim4.
# 'nodaemon' - no daemon is started at all.
# 'queueonly' - only a queue running daemon is started, no SMTP listener.
# setting this to 'no' will also disable queueruns from /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim4
ppp _only_ runs queue from /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim4.
Judging from the ip-up.d script, the queue is force-run on an upcoming
ppp connection _unless_ QUEUERUNNER is 'no'. So you will probably
reach the intended behavior by using 'combined', 'separate' or
'queueonly' here.
Closing the bug. Please feel free to re-open if I have misunderstood
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
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