Bug#276126: [exim] allow headers_remove|add options to be given multiple times
Philip Hazel
exim-users@exim.org, 276126@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:44:52 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Marc Haber wrote:
> This is too complicated. I'll continue to talk about bugs when I mean
> wishlist requests ;)
When is a bug not a bug? When it's reported by Debian.
"When I use a word, it means exactly what I intend it to mean" - Humpty
OK. I will try to remember that when a Debian person says "bug" they
don't necessarily mean it. I won't therefore give reports containing the
word "bug" as much priority as I might have. That is, I won't look at
them as urgently as I normally do. That's what you get for using
imprecise language. :-)
Philip Hazel University of Cambridge Computing Service,
ph10@cus.cam.ac.uk Cambridge, England. Phone: +44 1223 334714.
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