Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:19:01 +0100
Kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you. Although we=
never met before, I have every reason to believe that you are a highly r=
espected personality, considering the fact that I sourced your profile fr=
om a human resource profile database on your country. Though, I do not kn=
ow to what extent you are familiar with events and fragile political situ=
ation in Liberia but it has formed consistent headlines in the CNN, BBC n=
ews bulletins, My name is MR. HARRISON KARNWEA WINPOE from Liberia, a Cou=
ntry in West Africa. My Uncle is MR JOHN YORMIE. WINPOE, former DEPUTY MI=
NISTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY in LIBERIA. My uncle was falsely accused of p=
lotting to remove the then PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA (CHARLES TAYLOR) from off=
ice. Without trial, Charles Taylor killed him. you can verify this from t=
his international newspaper website below:
Before he was killed, my uncle instructed me to escape with his family to=
a hide out in JOHANNESBOURG SOUTH AFRICA, and he confined on me that he =
left some money in a Diplomatic Trust Company in Abroad, (name withheld f=
or security reasons) he handed me over a certificate meant for a secret D=
eposit, which he made in the Security Company. If you may ask why do I ne=
ed a foreign assistance or why can't I take the cash transfer and myself?=
The answer is that there was an exclusion clause in the original agreeme=
nt between the company and my uncle which states unambiguously that 'nobo=
dy, not even himself, can have access to the consignment in the company, =
and it has to be transferred to a foreign beneficiary outside Africa. Thi=
s was done because he envisaged his arrest and this clause were inserted =
to prevent any seizure or infiltration of the fund.=20
My decision to contact you is therefore, informed by this and due to my p=
resent social status and total ignorance of the business world. I believe=
you will appreciate the enormity of trust I repose on you by placing the=
fortunes of our family in your care. Permit me to request that you shoul=
d reassure me that you would not let me down in any way. On my part, this=
is my assurance and guarantee to you. In as much as you follow my instru=
ctions carefully, religiously and promptly my guarantee of a hitch-free s=
uccess remains unshakable. I have contacted the Diplomatic Security Firm =
to confirm the deposit, which is worth $21.5Million,(Twenty-One Million F=
ive Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only) which I presumed my uncle=
made from the purchase of arms and ammunitions for the Liberia Army.=20
You will be given 20% of the total sum at the end of the transaction. If =
you will be willing to assist us claim the money and invest it in your co=
untry. I want to assure you that all modalities are in place and it is a =
risk free transaction. Kindly confirm in your reply if you can come over =
to enable us conclude this transaction. Kindly include your Private Telep=
hone and Fax numbers where you can always be reach, Your Residential or C=
ompany Address to enable me send some other important information across =
to you.=20
This proposal is highly restricted and should be handled as an urgent tra=
nsaction requiring trust and Confidentiality.=20
Thanks while looking forward to hearing from you urgently by,Fax or alter=
native email on h_winpoe02@web-mail.com.ar or harriwinpoe02@yahoo.fr, but=
preferably by fax.
Thank you.=20
Mr.Harrison Winpoe=20
For the Family.
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