Question about exim4 Maildir for root -config
Andreas Metzler
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:18:30 +0100
On 2005-01-19 hj <> wrote:
> With a Sarge + exim4:
> I modify the update-exim4.conf.conf
> (dc_localdelivery='maildir_home'
> ) for Maildir.
> It's ok for all users, but not for root. root receive
> the mail in /var/mail/mail and not in /root/Maildir.
> It's normal?
Yes. Exim will never run deliveries as root.
> A solution to modify that ?
Do not read mail as root. Redirect it to an unprivileged account in
/etc/aliases (If you do not want root/postmaster/abuse/... mail in
your regular user-inbox generate a specific account for that purpose.)
cu andreas
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fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"