Bug#314296: Re: Bug#314296: exim4 NOT verifying server certificate

Wenzhuo Zhang Wenzhuo Zhang <wenzhuo@zhmail.com>, 314296@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 15:45:21 +0800

Quoting Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>:

> Take a look at the bug reports against exim4, and see what scenarios
> we have to worry about. Roommates sharing a mail server, using
> differnet freemailers which all of them demand that their addresses
> get relayed through their smarthosts are quite common, and this is a
> case where your setup breaks.

That's why I am suggesting adding a macro, instead of hardcoding the
option in the smarthost transport definition. Users can easily enable
verification of server certificate by adding the macro to

It will be an even better idea if debconf can offer a check box on the
smarthost prompt screen for enabling server certificate verification.
