Bug#299732: exim4: Add examples for cyrus_sasl authenticator

Marc Haber Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>, 299732@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 16:17:30 +0100

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 08:38:16AM +0100, Juergen Kreileder wrote:
> Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de> writes:
> > So you're suggesting to put these below the login_sasl_server
> > authenticator in 30_exim4-config_examples, as seen in
> > http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-exim4/exim/trunk/debian/debconf/conf.d/auth/30_exim4-config_examples?op=file&rev=0&sc=0,
> > right?
> The order doesn't really matter, it's up to the client to choose one
> of the availabe mechs for authentication.

Yes. The only relevant part is that the OjE 4.x hack authenticator
must be last. I am just asking where your authenticators would fit
from a method point of view.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835