News You Can Use

Etta Cormier rkpsofeupncp at
Wed Nov 30 21:46:34 UTC 2005

Gulf Biomedical Corp (GBIC)
Current Price $0.50
Is this an Undiscovered  Gem that is Positioned to Go Higher? Pleasee R 
e a d the Following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the 
Possibilities... Watch This One Trade Monday!

H0t Press Released!!

Gulf Biomedical Corporation is pleased to announce they have filed 
mandatory papers with the US Food and D r u g Administration in order to 
market and sell "LoveMagic(TM), their new a|| n at tura| herba| pr0duct to 
the booming herbal supplement market. "LoveMagic(TM) is anticipated to 
hit the market in 2 weeks. 

"LoveMagic" is a proprietary formulation of natural ingredients known 
to help users in dealing with male erect-i|e dys-function. 

In compliance with FDA regulations, Gulf Biomedical has informed the 
Food and D r u g Administration of its intent to introduce and market the 
product, and has submitted its proposed label for FDA approval. 

The new product is the second in the projected "Magic" line. The first 
was "HairMagic(TM)," a proprietary formulation of ingredients known to 
help restore scalp health and help re-gr0w h at ir, with no known side 
effects experienced as compared with chemical pharmaceutical drugs such as 

"HairMagic" is in its third week of medical trials to support anecdotal 
evidence of the effectiveness of the product. That evidence involved 
the 100% success rate of the product re-growing hair on 70 early users of 
the herbal supplement. 

"HairMagic," which takes a unique "dual approach" to h at ir |0ss, has 
been creating a stir among interested distributors in the US, Australia, 
Argentina and Europe. The company cites evidence that certain bodily 
deficiencies are a major cause of h at ir l0ss. The product addresses these 
deficiencies and restores the health of the user, with the restoration 
of hair growth. 

Meanwhile, development proceeds on a third proprietary product which is 
designed to fight depression and restore an optimistic outlook in 
users. Currently there are millions of individuals within the United States 
who experience depression. The anti-depression product will be the 
third of six which the company hopes to have on the market by early 2006. 


The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known 
Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are 
Already Familiar with This. Is GBIC Poised and Positioned to Do that For 
You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch 
this One Trade Monday! Go GBIC.

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