franklin kenedy franklinkenedy10 at
Tue Oct 4 13:45:24 UTC 2005



Dear Partner,

I presumed that all is well with you and your family.

Please let this  do not be a surprise message to you because i got your 
contact information from
the international directory in few weeks ago  before i decided to contact on 
this magintude and lucrative transaction for our present and future survival 
in life.Moreover, i have laid all the solemn trust in you before i decided 
to disclose this successful & confidential transaction to you.

I am the Chief Auditor Incharge of the Foreign Remittance Unit of our bank 
and i decided to contact you over this financial transaction worth the sum 
of Nineteen Million, Three Hundred Thousand United States of America 
($19,300,000.00 ) for our present and future success.This is an abandoned 
fund that belongs to one of our bank foreign customers who died along with 
his entire family  through plane crash disaster since few years 
ago.Meanwhile i was very fortune to came across the deceased file when i was 
arranging the old and abandoned customers files  in other to sign and submit 
to the entire bank management  for an official re-documentation and audit of 
the year against 2006.

Informed clearly that it was stated in our Foreign banking rules and 
regulations which was signed lawfully that if such fund remains unclaimed  
till the period of 4 years started  from the date when the beneficiary died, 
the money will be transferred into the treasury as an unclaimed 
fund.However, it is not authorized by the rules guiding our bank for a 
citizen of Burkina Faso to make the claim of the fund unless your are a 
foreigner no matter the contry different from the deceased.So the request of 
you as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the claim and transfer of the 
fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the next of kin to the 

When the fund is transferred into your account, { 36% } Thirty Six Percent  
will be for you in respect of all your assistance for the transfer of the 
fund into your account and provision of the bank account where the bank will 
remit the fund into,{ 56% } Fifty Six Percent  will be for me being the 
pioneer of the business while the rest { 9% } Nine  Percent will be shared 
to  respectable Organisations Centers such as Charity , Motherless Babies 
Homes, and helpless disabled people around us in the  World.

If you are really sure of your, Trustworthy, Accountability and 
confidentiality on his transaction,contact me and  accept not to change your 
mind to cheat, or disappoint me  when the fund is transferred into your 
account.So reply for the assurance with your telephone and fax numbers  
necessary for facilitate an easy that i will let you know 
the next steps and procedures to be  followed in order to finalize this 
transaction immediately.

I expect your urgent communication.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Franklin Kenedy

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