Bug#401462: Acknowledgement (Please build exim4-dev package with local_scan-related header files)

Magnus Holmgren holmgren at lysator.liu.se
Wed Dec 6 11:14:58 CET 2006

On Monday 04 December 2006 18:43, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> Hmm. Upon closer inspection, it seems that upstream included the
> LOCAL_SCAN_ABI_VERSION* defines in Exim 4.20. Then upstream is to blame,
> after all.

Oh wait. No wonder I'm confused. The ABI version defines are present both 
upstream *and* in the dlopen patch in the Debian package. You should delete 
the local_scan.h hunk from the patch, at least from 4.64 (I've added the 
combined version define in CVS right now).

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren at lysator.liu.se
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