Bug#403072: exim4-daemon-light fails to use equifax SSL cert/key obtained from "1&1" hosting

Felix Palmen fmp at palmen.homeip.net
Thu Dec 14 16:22:33 UTC 2006

Hallo Marc,

* Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de> [20061214 16:45]:
> Ok. Can you please install gnutls-bin and try starting gnutls-serv
> with the appropriate --x509keyfile and --x509certfile options. If that
> gives the same error message, we have a gnutls-issue and this bug
> needs to be reassigned appropriately.

You're right:

photon:/etc/exim4# gnutls-serv --x509keyfile exim.key --x509certfile exim.crt 
Error reading 'exim.crt' or 'exim.key'
Error: Base64 decoding error.
photon:/etc/exim4# openssl s_server -key exim.key -cert exim.crt
Using default temp DH parameters
Using default temp ECDH parameters


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