Bug#403583: exim4: client TLS authentication is broken

Marc Haber mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de
Wed Dec 20 11:42:21 UTC 2006

tags #403583 unreproducible moreinfo

On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 04:07:17AM -0500, Celejar wrote:
> Exim is set to relay outgoing mail through a smarthost (smtp.gmail.com
> a.k.a gmail-smtp.l.google.com) which requires the client to authenticate
> via TLS. Exim is configured to do so, and /etc/exim4/passwd.client
> contains the following lines:
> > *:me at gmail.com:my_password
> > gmail-smtp.l.google.com:me at gmail.com:my_password
> > smtp.gmail.com:me at gmail.com:my_password

That looks correctl

> Sending mail is often succesful, but it often fails with the
> following log message:
> > xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx xxxxxxxxxx ** me at gmail.com R=smarthost
> > T=remote_smtp_smarthost: SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL
> > FROM:<> SIZE=xxxx: host gmail-smtp.l.google.com []: 530
> > 5.5.1 Authentication Required xxxxxxxxxx

Are there any log entries for that message before (grep for the
message_ID)? Is it possible to see debug output (obtained from exim4
-d -M <message-id> for a message on queue or from piping the message
into exim4 -d recipient at address.example) for a failed delivery
attempt? Please send them to me in private e-mail as they might
contain sensitive information such as passwords and try to sanitize
the output of visible passwords. Be prepared to change your password
after testing.

> This problem is discussed at some length on the (regular, non-Debian) exim
> mailing list [0], but I see no resolution there.

Yes, the original bug reporter was not very helpful as he just
repeated having no clue and not following any advice that was given.
The original bug reporter finally posted log entries saying that the
remote server was complaining about wrong credentials and stopped
answering questions soon later.

This is the reason for me asking you for more log entries for failing
messages, just to find out whether you might have the same problem.

> The information on the "GmailandExim4" page of the Debian wiki [1] also
> does not help to resolve the problem.

That information in the Debian wiki is not endorsed by the Debian
exim4 maintainer, contains outdated and inaccurate information. Please
refer to the original Debian exim4 docs that come with your package or
to the wiki pages beginning with PkgExim4.

For example, you're running an exim4 package that is reasonably
current and do not need to modify your configuration any more to point
exim towards port 587. See the update-exim4.conf.conf man page for
more detailed information.

In the mean time, I'll tag this bug as "unreproducible moreinfo".


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835

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