Bug#381806: fcron works without needing a fcrontab entry

R.Ramkumar ramk at cse.iitm.ernet.in
Sun Nov 5 08:38:54 CET 2006

reopen 381806 !


The daily cron job does get executed out of the box with fcron,
contrary to the explanation given. fcron package (I have 3.0.1-1)
installs a systab entry in /var/spool/fcron which runs
`run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily` daily. Thus, the script shipped
by exim4-base is executed. So, a "cron | fcron" depends (I don't
know about bcron) should do.


One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire
was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate
successful termination of their C programs.
                             -- Robert Firth

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