Bug#399185: exim4-config: The present configuration system does not allow for multiple users with the same smarthost

Marc Haber mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de
Sat Nov 18 17:46:42 CET 2006

package exim4-config
severity #399185 wishlist
user exim4 at packages.debian.org
usertags #399185 patch-appreciated

On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 12:38:09PM +0100, T wrote:
> I have two users that use the same smarthost. They need to authenticate with different 
> user/pass pairs, since the smarthost checks for valid addresses in the from header. 
> However, I don't see any way to implement multiple user/pass pairs in passwd.client.
> I use an additional file smtp_users to determine the smarthost for outgoing mail for a 
> given user, as can be seen from the configuration below.
> It would be nice if per-user smarthosts and per-user smarthost user/pass pairs could be 
> configured with the default debian exim configuration scheme.

per-user smarthosts don't really fit into the classical Unix Mails
setup that the Debian exim4 packages implement.

> dc_smarthost='${extract{smart_host}{${lookup{$sender_address}lsearch{CONFDIR/smtp_users}{$value}fail}}}'

Don't do this, this is not supported and will probably cease to work
in Debian etch.

Instead, in etch, override the DCsmarthost macro from the exim
configuration file.

I would accept a patch for the configuration post-etch, since I do not
use a setup like this myself and therefore cannot test.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835

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