Bug#399930: Maybe related to bug #379843

juanhm at lebowsky.homelinux.org juanhm at lebowsky.homelinux.org
Tue Feb 13 11:54:33 CET 2007

I had the same proble with "/var/log/exim4/mainlog" permissions for some
days, and I read what it´s stated in bug reports #399930 and #400198.

Anyway, after some days investigating what could be happening, I´m getting
to the point where it seems that the problem is not related with the "time
frame" between logrotate creates "mainlog" and when it is chowned.

What I have checked is that adding the option "nocreate" to
"/etc/logrotate.d/exim4" doesn´t prevent the file "mainlog" from being
created with the wrong permission in some circunstances. Having a look to
the time when the file gets created, and the events recorded in "mainlog",
"paniclog" and "syslog", I think the problem is caused by the script
"/etc/cron.daily/sysklogd" restarting the syslogd daemon ever day and
"/var/log/exim4/mainlog" appearing in "/etc/syslog.conf".

You can verify if this could be your case looking at the output from the
command "syslogd-listfiles -a" and checking if "/var/log/exim4/mainlog"
appears. If it appears, then both syslogd and logrotate are managing your
exim log file, and for syslogd, it recreates the file with permissions and
ownership "640 root:adm" if it doesn´t exists.

For my case, I have removed "/var/log/exim4/mainlog" from
"/etc/syslog.conf" and everything seems OK.

I don´t know if this is related to your problem but, anyway, I find a bit
confusing both syslogd and logrotate managing the same log files. So, I
would be very pleased with any fix to bug #379843.

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