Bug#406360: ignores errors from (invoke|update)-rc.d
Marc Haber
mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de
Thu Jan 18 10:56:05 CET 2007
user exim4 at packages.debian.org
usertags #406360 post-etch
next time, when cloning and reassigning a bug, please Cc: the package
explicitly. Reassigning a bug without Cc: is a good way to have the
maintainer miss the bug unless one looks at the BTS web interface for
the next time (which might not be as often as the personal mailbox).
On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 03:34:51PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> These packages all ignore errors from (invoke|update)-rc.d.
I think that exim4 is kind of a false positive.
debian/exim4-config.postinst: invoke-rc.d exim4 restart || true
debian/exim4-daemon-light.postinst: invoke-rc.d exim4 start || invoke-rc.d exim4 reload || true
Since exim4's configuration frontend allows "no configuration" which
_will_ result in a broken configuration during first installation,
there must be a possibility to complete the installation without
actually starting the daemon.
Is it ok for you that errors returned from invoke-rc.d will only be
ignored if the user has chosen the "no configuration" option? If so,
that change will be done post-etch.
After consulting the release team, I have decided that it would not be
a good idea to make this change pre-etch.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835
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