Bug#426013: exim4-daemon-heavy Base64 decoding error

Mark Adams mark at campbell-lange.net
Mon Jul 2 10:13:41 UTC 2007

On Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 08:43:19AM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> I still do not see the exact command lines that were used to obtain
> this output on both sides.

For server;

gnutls-serv --debug 5 --x509keyfile myhost_net.key --x509certfile myhost_net.crt

And for Client;

gnutls-cli -p 5556 mail.myhost.net

> But it looks right, I forgot that gnutls-serv implements an echo
> service.
> I am afraid that I do not know what is going on here, and that locally
> debugging would require me to purchase a certificate from your vendor
> just to find out which options and encodings they use and why GnuTLS
> does not grok them. I cannot afford doing this.

I am going to query the company to see if they can provide me with any
help. Is there anything you would like to know that I can ask them?

> Tagging the bug accordingly.
> Greetings
> Marc


> -- 

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