Bug#426425: sa-exim: sa-exim does not depend on a recent enough version of exim

Magnus Holmgren magnus at kibibyte.se
Thu Jun 7 17:59:31 UTC 2007

Marc &co, can you make it so that all the exim4-daemon packages Provides: 
exim4-localscanapi-1.0 and exim4-localscanapi-1.1 [insert hyphens according 
to taste]? Then sa-exim can depend on that instead, and as a bonus I get rid 
of the debcheck complaint that exim4-daemon-custom doesn't exist.

Now I'm thinking about how to best get the ABI version into a substvars file. 
The standard way would be with a /usr/bin/exim4-config in exim4-dev, but that 
feels like too much...

Magnus Holmgren
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