Bug#412886: exim4: Segfaults occurring

Ronny Adsetts ronny.adsetts at amazinginternet.com
Thu Mar 1 11:33:44 CET 2007

Marc Haber said at 01/03/2007 11:30:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 11:20:46AM +0000, Ronny Adsetts wrote:
>> Strace for the crashing process attached.
> Thanks. This unfortunately is not very conclusive.
> Again, unfortunately, exim4 in sarge does not yet have a -dbg package.
> Can you rebuild the exim packages locally, run an unstripped exim and
> see whether you can obtain a backtrace?
> Or would you prefer me giving you an unstripped exim package?

If you could provide an unstripped package, this would help me no end. I have to get out to the datacentre soon so don't have much time today.

> The backports.org packages have functional -dbg packages, so obtaining
> a backtrace from backported exim is much easier. I can, however,
> understand that you are reluctant to install such beasts on a
> production system.

I'll probably try the backports packages outside of office hours later today so that I can confirm if the crash is still there in later packages. Assuming the server causing the problems continues to connect anyway.

Ronny Adsetts
Technical Director
Amazing Internet Ltd, London
t: +44 20 8607 9535
f: +44 20 8607 9536
w: www.amazinginternet.com

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