Bug#348046: exim4-daemon-heavy: TLS delivery attempts fail with: (gnutls_handshake): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

Andrew McGlashan andrew.mcglashan at affinityvision.com.au
Sat Jan 5 10:02:43 UTC 2008


Marc Haber wrote:
> I am having a problem with your port references. It would be more
> helpful if you'd not only reference the port number (which is most
> probably irrelevant for debugging), but also the protocol you're
> using. I feel that we are mixing up plain unencrypted SMTP (which
> usually runs on ports tcp/25 and/or tcp/587), the ESMTP STARTTLS
> extension (which also runs on ports tcp/25 and/or tcp/587 and is
> negotiated in a clear text handshake involving the EHLO and STARTTLS
> commands), and the non-standardized "SMTP over SSL" protocol which
> microsoft and other sites use on port tcp/465.

I believe that I am using ESMTP STARTTLS.

>> If Exim can use whatever qpopper is using for the SSL setup, then
>> that would probably solve the problem.
> qpopper is using OpenSSL, which I'd like to avoid for exim since exim
> links to a gazillion of other libraries and I'd rather not have to
> check all their licenses for an OpenSSL exception. Additionally, Simon
> is member of the GnuTLS team and surely would not want to advocate
> changing to a competitor.

I understand, but it _seems_ that OpenSSL works whilst GnuTLS doesn't.... 
but I can't be sure as I probably don't understand enough to properly debug 
the issue amongst other things I need to do.

Is there a good step by step process that I could follow to help this cause?

Would a copy (privately) of my /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated help?

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
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