Bug#459323: exim4: Incredimail problem sending email using Exim4 SMTP over SSL / TLS error on connection from [ip.ad.dr.ess] (gnutls_handshake): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

Andrew McGlashan andrew.mcglashan at affinityvision.com.au
Sun Jan 6 11:51:21 UTC 2008




Marc Haber wrote:
> How does your exim reply when you telnet to localhost 465? Does it
> show a clear text SMTP banner?

www:/tmp# telnet localhost 465
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

[had to press ctrl-c to get the last line]

> Please let's find out whether Incredimail does really really use SMTP
> over SSL. On your exim server, run
> $ echo "220 " | socat TCP4-LISTEN:4465 -
> and configure incredimail to use "Outgoing 4465 with SSL". Then try
> sending a message.
> When you see a cleartext "EHLO something" on the socat shell,
> Incredimail is trying to do ESMTP STARTTLS, which will need a
> differently configured exim than Outlook Express does.

www:/tmp# echo "220 " | socat TCP4-LISTEN:4465 -
À       @dbcÎêÕ¢ÅETݳܺÔPuTTYwww:/tmp# PuTTY

> If you don't see a cleartext "EHLO something", please retry with
> openssl s_server instead of the socat.

I couldn't work out how to use openssl s_server properly....

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

Current Land Line No: 03 9912 0504
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Affinity Vision Australia Pty Ltd

In Case of Emergency --  http://www.affinityvision.com.au/ice.html

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