Processed: Re: Bug#481660: exim4-base: Exim refuses to start due to empty arguments

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sun May 18 07:27:07 UTC 2008

Processing commands for control at

> forcemerge 477239 481660
Bug#477239: exim4-base: empty argument in init.d prevents starting
Bug#481660: exim4-base: Exim refuses to start due to empty arguments
Bug#477194: exim4: Starting MTA:exim: incompatible command-line options or arguments
Bug#477236: exim4-daemon-heavy: restart of exim4 fails after pdate 
Bug#477258: Fails to start because of incorrect command-line arguments
Bug#477562: exim4-daemon-light: init script fails to start: incompatible command-line options or arguments
Forcibly Merged 477194 477236 477239 477258 477562 481660.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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