Bug#621836: exim4: Could not perform immediate configuration

Jonathan Plews jonathan at plews.org.uk
Sun Apr 10 07:11:27 UTC 2011


I have had this happen recently too, but I was moving from ssmtp to  
exim on wheezy, using aptitude to remove ssmtp first allowed exim to  
install. There are many mentions of this error, some very old, but  
this one seems to give an clue at least.


The most relevant things seem to be the Essential tag, but also the  
fact that apt is not giving a helpful error, finding exactly which  
package is causing the problem may be difficult.

Just did a quick check and this does not happen on a couple of Lenny  
systems, or Squeeze systems with very few other packages installed.  
Finding the actual cause could be painful, it would be nice if Apt  
gave more information.



Quoting Slavko <linux at slavino.sk>:

> Ahoj,
> D?a Sat, 9 Apr 2011 13:12:23 +0200 Andreas Metzler
> <ametzler at downhill.at.eu.org> napísal:
>> works for me:
> nice to know.
> except cron, the proces for me was similar, only ends with mentioned
> error, i have no special APT settings in  this system... can be this
> caused by some other package(s), which depends on mta?
> --
> Slavko
> http://slavino.sk

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