Bug#790616: exim4: exim crashes when sending email to more then one recipient

Giacomo Mulas gmulas at oa-cagliari.inaf.it
Tue Jun 30 14:10:12 UTC 2015

I can confirm that just recompiling the current sa-exim package from source
fixes the problem I reported: I just did

apt-get source sa-exim
cd sa-exim-4.2.1
fakeroot debian/rules clean build binary
sudo dpkg -i ../sa-exim_4.2.1-14_amd64.deb

and I recovered full sa-exim functionality without the crashes. I guess you
can forward this to the sa-exim maintainer or even just get it recompiled
via a binary only nonmaintainer upload, notifying the maintainer.

Thanks, sorry for the inconvenience, bye


Giacomo Mulas <gmulas at oa-cagliari.inaf.it>

INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari
via della scienza 5 - 09047 Selargius (CA)

tel.   +39 070 71180244
mob. : +39 329  6603810

"When the storms are raging around you, stay right where you are"
                          (Freddy Mercury)

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