Bug#985450: buster-pu: package exim4/4.92-8+deb10u5

Andreas Metzler ametzler at bebt.de
Thu Mar 18 12:53:27 GMT 2021

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
Tags: buster
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: pu
X-Debbugs-Cc: exim4 at packages.debian.org, Jorrit Fahlke <jorrit at jorrit.de>


[ Reason ]
I would like to fix two issues in buster:
#1 Fix use of concurrent TLS connections under GnuTLS.  When a callout was
   done during a receiving connection, and both used TLS, global info was
   used rather than per-connection info for tracking the state of data
   queued for transmission.  This could result in a connection hang.

#2 Fix issues related to certificate checking:
a) Cherry-pick a bugfix to get proper hostname checking with CNAMES.
Without this patch when connecting to a CNAME the server provided cert
is checked against the A record instead of the original cname. #985243

b) Document limitation/extent of server certificate checking that is
done by default and how to change it.  #985244 and #985344

2a and 2b are documented in the respective bug-reports, 2a actually
might warant priority serious. #1 has popped up repeatedly on the
exim-user mailing list, I would categorize it as important.

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/changelog exim4-4.92/debian/changelog
--- exim4-4.92/debian/changelog	2020-05-13 18:01:31.000000000 +0200
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/changelog	2021-03-18 09:10:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+exim4 (4.92-8+deb10u5) buster; urgency=medium
+  * Fix use of concurrent TLS connections under GnuTLS:
+    80_01-GnuTLS-fix-hanging-callout-connections.patch
+    80_02-GnuTLS-tls_write-wait-after-uncorking-the-session.patch
+    80_03-GnuTLS-Do-not-care-about-corked-data-when-uncorking.patch
+    (Thanks, Heiko Schlittermann for the backport)
+  * Pull 82_TLS-use-RFC-6125-rules-for-certifucate-name-checks-w.patch from
+    upstream git (already included in 4.94), on TLS connections to a CNAME
+    verify the certificate against the original CNAME instead of against
+    the A record. Closes: #985243
+  * In README.Debian explicitly document the limitation/extent of server
+    certificate checking (authenticity not enforced) in the default
+    configuration (Thanks, J? Fahlke). This Closes: #985244 (improved
+    documentation and Closes: #985344 (Yes, without required cert
+    checking MitM attacks are possible, but for a stable update documenting
+    this is the best compromise.)
+ -- Andreas Metzler <ametzler at debian.org>  Thu, 18 Mar 2021 09:10:15 +0100
 exim4 (4.92-8+deb10u4) buster-security; urgency=high
   * Fix authentication bypass in SPA authenticator due to out-of-bound buffer
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_01-GnuTLS-fix-hanging-callout-connections.patch exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_01-GnuTLS-fix-hanging-callout-connections.patch
--- exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_01-GnuTLS-fix-hanging-callout-connections.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_01-GnuTLS-fix-hanging-callout-connections.patch	2021-03-18 08:51:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+From 97c5e07c220b55d1c506a1798c9ce3ae3105adea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Harris <jgh146exb at wizmail.org>
+Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 16:45:38 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 4/6] GnuTLS: fix hanging callout connections
+Broken-by: 925ac8e4f1
+(cherry picked from commit bd95ffc2ba87fbd3c752df17bc8fd9c01586d45a)
+ doc/ChangeLog | 81 ++++---------------------------------------
+ src/tls-gnu.c     | 24 +++++++------
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ JH/41 Bug 2571: Fix SPA authenticator.
+       being used.  A malicious client could thus cause an out-of-bounds read and
+       possibly gain authentication.  Fix by adding the check.
++JH/25 Fix use of concurrent TLS connections under GnuTLS.  When a callout was
++      done during a receiving connection, and both used TLS, global info was
++      used rather than per-connection info for tracking the state of data
++      queued for transmission.  This could result in a connection hang.
+ Exim version 4.92
+ -----------------
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -124,10 +124,17 @@ typedef struct exim_gnutls_state {
+   enum peer_verify_requirement verify_requirement;
+   int			fd_in;
+   int			fd_out;
+-  BOOL			peer_cert_verified;
+-  BOOL			peer_dane_verified;
+-  BOOL			trigger_sni_changes;
+-  BOOL			have_set_peerdn;
++  BOOL			peer_cert_verified:1;
++  BOOL			peer_dane_verified:1;
++  BOOL			trigger_sni_changes:1;
++  BOOL			have_set_peerdn:1;
++  BOOL			xfer_eof:1;	/*XXX never gets set! */
++  BOOL			xfer_error:1;
++  BOOL			corked:1;
+   const struct host_item *host;		/* NULL if server */
+   gnutls_x509_crt_t	peercert;
+   uschar		*peerdn;
+@@ -160,8 +167,6 @@ typedef struct exim_gnutls_state {
+   uschar *xfer_buffer;
+   int xfer_buffer_lwm;
+   int xfer_buffer_hwm;
+-  BOOL xfer_eof;	/*XXX never gets set! */
+-  BOOL xfer_error;
+ } exim_gnutls_state_st;
+ static const exim_gnutls_state_st exim_gnutls_state_init = {
+@@ -2790,9 +2795,8 @@ ssize_t outbytes;
+ size_t left = len;
+ exim_gnutls_state_st * state = ct_ctx ? ct_ctx : &state_server;
+-static BOOL corked = FALSE;
+-if (more && !corked) gnutls_record_cork(state->session);
++if (more && !state->corked) gnutls_record_cork(state->session);
+ #endif
+ DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("%s(%p, " SIZE_T_FMT "%s)\n", __FUNCTION__,
+@@ -2833,10 +2837,10 @@ if (len > INT_MAX)
+   }
+-if (more != corked)
++if (more != state->corked)
+   {
+   if (!more) (void) gnutls_record_uncork(state->session, 0);
+-  corked = more;
++  state->corked = more;
+   }
+ #endif
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_02-GnuTLS-tls_write-wait-after-uncorking-the-session.patch exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_02-GnuTLS-tls_write-wait-after-uncorking-the-session.patch
--- exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_02-GnuTLS-tls_write-wait-after-uncorking-the-session.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_02-GnuTLS-tls_write-wait-after-uncorking-the-session.patch	2021-03-18 08:51:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From 783cb0301d9ceef2748956c3f91762275b7b45e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Heiko Schlittermann (HS12-RIPE)" <hs at schlittermann.de>
+Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 18:59:49 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] GnuTLS: tls_write(): wait after uncorking the session
+(cherry picked from commit 8f9adfd36222d4e9e730734e00dffe874073e5b4)
+ src/tls-gnu.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/tls-gnu.c b/src/tls-gnu.c
+index 822ad89c6..94a718673 100644
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -2835,9 +2835,14 @@ tls_write(void * ct_ctx, const uschar * buff, size_t len, BOOL more)
+ ssize_t outbytes;
+ size_t left = len;
+ exim_gnutls_state_st * state = ct_ctx ? ct_ctx : &state_server;
+-if (more && !state->corked) gnutls_record_cork(state->session);
++if (more && !state->corked)
++  {
++  DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("gnutls_record_cork(session=%p)\n", state->session);
++  gnutls_record_cork(state->session);
++  state->corked = TRUE;
++  }
+ #endif
+ DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("%s(%p, " SIZE_T_FMT "%s)\n", __FUNCTION__,
+@@ -2853,6 +2858,7 @@ while (left > 0)
+   while (outbytes == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
+   DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("outbytes=" SSIZE_T_FMT "\n", outbytes);
+   if (outbytes < 0)
+     {
+     DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("%s: gnutls_record_send err\n", __FUNCTION__);
+@@ -2878,10 +2884,26 @@ if (len > INT_MAX)
+   }
+-if (more != state->corked)
+-  {
+-  if (!more) (void) gnutls_record_uncork(state->session, 0);
+-  state->corked = more;
++if (!more && state->corked)
++  {
++  DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("gnutls_record_uncork(session=%p)\n", state->session);
++  do {
++    do
++      /* We can't use GNUTLS_RECORD_WAIT here, as it retries on
++      GNUTLS_E_AGAIN || GNUTLS_E_INTR, which would break our timeout set by alarm().
++      The GNUTLS_E_AGAIN should not happen ever, as our sockets are blocking anyway.
++      But who knows. (That all relies on the fact that GNUTLS_E_INTR and GNUTLS_E_AGAIN
++      match the EINTR and EAGAIN errno values.) */
++      outbytes = gnutls_record_uncork(state->session, 0);
++    while (outbytes == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
++     if (outbytes < 0)
++       {
++       record_io_error(state, len, US"uncork", NULL);
++       return -1;
++       }
++  } while (gnutls_record_check_corked(state->session) > 0);
++  state->corked = FALSE;
+   }
+ #endif
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_03-GnuTLS-Do-not-care-about-corked-data-when-uncorking.patch exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_03-GnuTLS-Do-not-care-about-corked-data-when-uncorking.patch
--- exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_03-GnuTLS-Do-not-care-about-corked-data-when-uncorking.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/patches/80_03-GnuTLS-Do-not-care-about-corked-data-when-uncorking.patch	2021-03-18 08:51:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 3afb07f2c63fb6dc3983b28e7cdaf11fceb741d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Heiko Schlittermann (HS12-RIPE)" <hs at schlittermann.de>
+Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 22:56:32 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 6/6] GnuTLS: Do not care about corked data when uncorking
+(cherry picked from commit d8d7e3a4162b52382daf8319f221c085c76c5b8f)
+ src/tls-gnu.c | 31 +++++++++++++++----------------
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/tls-gnu.c b/src/tls-gnu.c
+index 94a718673..2091e44db 100644
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -2887,22 +2887,21 @@ if (len > INT_MAX)
+ if (!more && state->corked)
+   {
+   DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("gnutls_record_uncork(session=%p)\n", state->session);
+-  do {
+-    do
+-      /* We can't use GNUTLS_RECORD_WAIT here, as it retries on
+-      GNUTLS_E_AGAIN || GNUTLS_E_INTR, which would break our timeout set by alarm().
+-      The GNUTLS_E_AGAIN should not happen ever, as our sockets are blocking anyway.
+-      But who knows. (That all relies on the fact that GNUTLS_E_INTR and GNUTLS_E_AGAIN
+-      match the EINTR and EAGAIN errno values.) */
+-      outbytes = gnutls_record_uncork(state->session, 0);
+-    while (outbytes == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
+-     if (outbytes < 0)
+-       {
+-       record_io_error(state, len, US"uncork", NULL);
+-       return -1;
+-       }
+-  } while (gnutls_record_check_corked(state->session) > 0);
++  do
++    /* We can't use GNUTLS_RECORD_WAIT here, as it retries on
++    GNUTLS_E_AGAIN || GNUTLS_E_INTR, which would break our timeout set by alarm().
++    The GNUTLS_E_AGAIN should not happen ever, as our sockets are blocking anyway.
++    But who knows. (That all relies on the fact that GNUTLS_E_INTR and GNUTLS_E_AGAIN
++    match the EINTR and EAGAIN errno values.) */
++    outbytes = gnutls_record_uncork(state->session, 0);
++  while (outbytes == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
++  if (outbytes < 0)
++    {
++    record_io_error(state, len, US"uncork", NULL);
++    return -1;
++    }
+   state->corked = FALSE;
+   }
+ #endif
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/patches/82_TLS-use-RFC-6125-rules-for-certifucate-name-checks-w.patch exim4-4.92/debian/patches/82_TLS-use-RFC-6125-rules-for-certifucate-name-checks-w.patch
--- exim4-4.92/debian/patches/82_TLS-use-RFC-6125-rules-for-certifucate-name-checks-w.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/patches/82_TLS-use-RFC-6125-rules-for-certifucate-name-checks-w.patch	2021-03-18 08:51:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+Description: TLS: use RFC 6125 rules for certificate name checks when
+ CNAMES are present. Bug 2594
+Origin: upstream https://git.exim.org/exim.git/commit/0851a3bbf4667081d47f5d85b6b3a5cb33cbdba6
+Bug: https://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2594
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2021-03-02
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -41,10 +41,15 @@ JH/10 OpenSSL: Fix aggregation of messag
+ JH/11 Harden plaintext authenticator against a badly misconfigured client-send
+       string.  Previously it was possible to cause undefined behaviour in a
+       library routine (usually a crash).  Found by "zerons".
++JH/06 Bug 2594: Change the name used for certificate name checks in the smtp
++      transport.  Previously it was the name on the DNS A-record; use instead
++      the head of the CNAME chain leading there (if there is one).  This seems
++      to align better with RFC 6125.
+ JH/18 GnuTLS: fix $tls_out_ocsp under hosts_request_ocsp. Previously the
+       verification result was not updated unless hosts_require_ocsp applied.
+ JH/20 Bug 2389: fix server advertising of usable certificates, under GnuTLS in
+--- a/src/host.c
++++ b/src/host.c
+@@ -1966,10 +1966,17 @@ host_item *last = NULL;
+ BOOL temp_error = FALSE;
+ #if HAVE_IPV6
+ int af;
+ #endif
++#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
++/* Copy the host name at this point to the value which is used for
++TLS certificate name checking, before anything modifies it.  */
++host->certname = host->name;
+ /* Make sure DNS options are set as required. This appears to be necessary in
+ some circumstances when the get..byname() function actually calls the DNS. */
+ dns_init((flags & HOST_FIND_QUALIFY_SINGLE) != 0,
+          (flags & HOST_FIND_SEARCH_PARENTS) != 0,
+@@ -2132,10 +2139,13 @@ for (i = 1; i <= times;
+     else
+       {
+       host_item *next = store_get(sizeof(host_item));
+       next->name = host->name;
++#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
++      next->certname = host->certname;
+       next->mx = host->mx;
+       next->address = text_address;
+       next->port = PORT_NONE;
+       next->status = hstatus_unknown;
+       next->why = hwhy_unknown;
+@@ -2150,16 +2160,16 @@ for (i = 1; i <= times;
+ /* If no hosts were found, the address field in the original host block will be
+ NULL. If temp_error is set, at least one of the lookups gave a temporary error,
+ so we pass that back. */
+-if (host->address == NULL)
++if (!host->address)
+   {
+   uschar *msg =
+     #ifndef STAND_ALONE
+-    (message_id[0] == 0 && smtp_in != NULL)?
+-      string_sprintf("no IP address found for host %s (during %s)", host->name,
++    message_id[0] == 0 && smtp_in
++      ? string_sprintf("no IP address found for host %s (during %s)", host->name,
+           smtp_get_connection_info()) :
+     #endif
+     string_sprintf("no IP address found for host %s", host->name);
+   HDEBUG(D_host_lookup) debug_printf("%s\n", msg);
+@@ -2277,10 +2287,17 @@ dns_record *rr;
+ host_item *thishostlast = NULL;    /* Indicates not yet filled in anything */
+ BOOL v6_find_again = FALSE;
+ BOOL dnssec_fail = FALSE;
+ int i;
++#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
++/* Copy the host name at this point to the value which is used for
++TLS certificate name checking, before any CNAME-following modifies it.  */
++host->certname = host->name;
+ /* If allow_ip is set, a name which is an IP address returns that value
+ as its address. This is used for MX records when allow_mx_to_ip is set, for
+ those sites that feel they have to flaunt the RFC rules. */
+ if (allow_ip && string_is_ip_address(host->name, NULL) != 0)
+--- a/src/structs.h
++++ b/src/structs.h
+@@ -77,18 +77,21 @@ host addresses is done using this struct
+ typedef enum {DS_UNK=-1, DS_NO, DS_YES} dnssec_status_t;
+ typedef struct host_item {
+   struct host_item *next;
+-  const uschar *name;             /* Host name */
+-  const uschar *address;          /* IP address in text form */
+-  int     port;                   /* port value in host order (if SRV lookup) */
+-  int     mx;                     /* MX value if found via MX records */
+-  int     sort_key;               /* MX*1000 plus random "fraction" */
+-  int     status;                 /* Usable, unusable, or unknown */
+-  int     why;                    /* Why host is unusable */
+-  int     last_try;               /* Time of last try if known */
++  const uschar *name;		/* Host name */
++#ifndef DISABLE_TLS
++  const uschar *certname;	/* Name used for certificate checks */
++  const uschar *address;	/* IP address in text form */
++  int     port;			/* port value in host order (if SRV lookup) */
++  int     mx;			/* MX value if found via MX records */
++  int     sort_key;		/* MX*1000 plus random "fraction" */
++  int     status;		/* Usable, unusable, or unknown */
++  int     why;			/* Why host is unusable */
++  int     last_try;		/* Time of last try if known */
+   dnssec_status_t dnssec;
+ } host_item;
+ /* Chain of rewrite rules, read from the rewrite config, or parsed from the
+ rewrite_headers field of a transport. */
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -2191,13 +2191,13 @@ tls_client_setup_hostname_checks(host_it
+ {
+ if (verify_check_given_host(CUSS &ob->tls_verify_cert_hostnames, host) == OK)
+   {
+   state->exp_tls_verify_cert_hostnames =
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
+-    string_domain_utf8_to_alabel(host->name, NULL);
++    string_domain_utf8_to_alabel(host->certname, NULL);
+ #else
+-    host->name;
++    host->certname;
+ #endif
+   DEBUG(D_tls)
+     debug_printf("TLS: server cert verification includes hostname: \"%s\".\n",
+ 		    state->exp_tls_verify_cert_hostnames);
+   }
+--- a/src/tls-openssl.c
++++ b/src/tls-openssl.c
+@@ -309,18 +309,18 @@ typedef struct tls_ext_ctx_cb {
+       X509_STORE    *verify_store;	/* non-null if status requested */
+       BOOL	    verify_required;
+     } client;
+   } u_ocsp;
+ #endif
+-  uschar *dhparam;
++  uschar *	dhparam;
+   /* these are cached from first expand */
+-  uschar *server_cipher_list;
++  uschar *	server_cipher_list;
+   /* only passed down to tls_error: */
+-  host_item *host;
++  host_item *	host;
+   const uschar * verify_cert_hostnames;
+-  uschar * event_action;
++  uschar *	event_action;
+ #endif
+ } tls_ext_ctx_cb;
+ /* should figure out a cleanup of API to handle state preserved per
+ implementation, for various reasons, which can be void * in the APIs.
+@@ -2359,13 +2359,13 @@ if ((rc = setup_certs(ctx, ob->tls_verif
+ if (verify_check_given_host(CUSS &ob->tls_verify_cert_hostnames, host) == OK)
+   {
+   cbinfo->verify_cert_hostnames =
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
+-    string_domain_utf8_to_alabel(host->name, NULL);
++    string_domain_utf8_to_alabel(host->certname, NULL);
+ #else
+-    host->name;
++    host->certname;
+ #endif
+   DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Cert hostname to check: \"%s\"\n",
+ 		    cbinfo->verify_cert_hostnames);
+   }
+ return OK;
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/patches/series exim4-4.92/debian/patches/series
--- exim4-4.92/debian/patches/series	2020-05-13 18:01:31.000000000 +0200
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/patches/series	2021-03-18 08:51:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -26,4 +26,8 @@
diff -Nru exim4-4.92/debian/README.Debian.xml exim4-4.92/debian/README.Debian.xml
--- exim4-4.92/debian/README.Debian.xml	2020-05-13 18:01:31.000000000 +0200
+++ exim4-4.92/debian/README.Debian.xml	2021-03-18 09:10:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -1084,17 +1084,38 @@
 	  This means that you will not need any special configuration if
-	  you want to use TLS for outgoing mail. However, if your
+	  you want to use TLS for outgoing mail.  However, to enforce
+	  TLS and successful certificate verification, a few things
+	  need to be configured.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+		To enforce TLS and prevent fallback to unencrypted
+		connections, ensure that hosts_require_tls = * is in effect on
+		the respective transport.  For the remote_smtp_smarthost
+		transport, this setting can be controlled via the
+	</para>
+	<para>
+		The certificate presented by the remote host is checked
+		against the system CA certificate store
+		(<filename>/etc/ssl/certs/</filename>) and the verification
+		result is logged (CV=...). However successful certificate
+		verification is <emphasis>not enforced</emphasis> by default.
+		This can be changed by setting tls_verify_hosts = * on the
+		respective transport.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+		Another possibility would be to use DANE for certificate
+		verification. This requires support on the server side and
+		a resolver with DNSSEC support on the client side.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	  If your
 	  server setup mandates the use of client certificates, you
 	  need to amend your remote_smtp and/or remote_smtp_smarthost
 	  transports with a tls_certificate option. This is not
           commonly needed.
-	<para>
-	  The certificate
-	  presented by the remote host is not checked unless you
-	  specify a tls_verify_certificate option on the transport.
-	</para>
 	<para id="tls_client_certicate">
 		To make exim send a TLS certificate to the remote host set
-------------- next part --------------
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