[Pkg-exim4-users] libmysqlclient.so: no version information available

Hans-Juergen Beie hjb at pollux.franken.de
Sat Dec 3 11:51:03 UTC 2005

Andreas Metzler wrote on 03.12.2005 11:32:
> On 2005-12-02 Hans-Juergen Beie <hjb at pollux.franken.de> wrote:
>>Since upgrading to version 4.54 Exim complains
>>"/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.14: no version information available (required
>>by /usr/sbin/exim4)".
>>The same with version 4.60.
>>Here some more infos:
>># dpkg -l|grep libmysqlclient
>>ii  libmysqlclient 3.23.56-3      LGPL-licensed client library for MySQL
>>ii  libmysqlclient 4.0.24-10sarge mysql database client library
>>ii  libmysqlclient 4.1.11a-4sarge mysql database client library
> [...]
>>I'm not using mysql features with exim and it seems to run fine anyway.
>>Are there any hints how to get rid of this message?
> Are you running a mixed sarge/etch/sid system?

Yes. Otherwise newer releases of Exim and ClamAV won't install.

>    cu and- I think libmysqlclient14 4.1.14-3 should have
>            bumped shlibs -reas

Good point, many thanks!

I raised the pinning for libmysqlclient14 to testing and Exim doesn't 
complain anymore. To satisfy the dependencies I had to choose 
release=testing for mysql-common, too. But this doesn't hurt me, because 
I don't use it anyway.

If somebody has similar problems, this is what I did:

I included this into /etc/apt/preferences

   Package: mysql-common
   Pin: release a=testing
   Pin-Priority: 800

   Package: libmysqlclient14
   Pin: release a=testing
   Pin-Priority: 800 

After upgrading ....

   # apt-get update
   # ### see what will happen...
   # apt-get -su install libmysqlclient14
   # ### if it looks good, do it!
   # apt-get -u install libmysqlclient14

.... I got

   # dpkg -l|grep mysql
   ii  libmysqlclient 3.23.56-3      LGPL-licensed client library for ...
   ii  libmysqlclient 4.0.24-10sarge mysql database client library
   ii  libmysqlclient 4.1.14-6       mysql database client library
   ii  mysql-common   5.0.13rc-1     mysql database common files ... 

Another way to do it without pinning, might be to use the dotdeb 
packages (www.dotdeb.org). But I tried it only up to the 'apt-get -su' 
point. It seems to end with similar results.

Have a nice day.

hjb :-?

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