[Pkg-exim4-users] Debian Exim 4 status

Christian Schmidt christian@siebenbergen.de
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:42:46 +0100

Hello Marc,

Marc Haber, 28.02.2005 (d.m.y):

> eximdoc4 4.50-1 was uploaded to unstable late last night, so it missed
> the archive update run and will only go in tonight. It will have a
> "dummy release critical bug" filed on Wednesday to keep it from
> migrating into testing while the "real" exim 4 packages are still on
> 4.44.
> If you have any questions regarding the process, please do not
> hesitate to ask.

OK. ;-)
Do the contents of the package eximdoc4 4.50-1 differ from the docs
available at the exim websites?

Christian Schmidt
So viele fingen mit der Liebe an, mit der sie wirken wollten, und
mu=DFten aufh=F6ren mit der Furcht, die sie gaben.
		-- Jean Paul