[Pkg-exim4-users] Re: exim4-configuration
Marc Haber
Sun, 1 May 2005 11:14:02 +0200
[HE, I'm going to stop CCing you after this message. You are on
pkg-exim4-users, right?]
On Sat, Apr 30, 2005 at 07:17:50PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Marc Haber (mh+mail0513@zugschlus.de) [050430 12:40]:
> > On Sat, Apr 30, 2005 at 11:23:56AM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > > Konfiguration ist folgende: Es gibt mehrere Domains, fuer die Mails in
> > > maildirs ausgeliefert werden sollen; die entsprechenden Directories sind
> > > u.U. nicht vorhanden.
> > >
> > > Es gibt Account-Daten im Passwort-Format, wobei der Domainname nicht
> > > immer matched. Beispiel:
> > >
> > > test@turmzimmer.net:x:1000:1000:Andreas Barth,,,,:/org/imap/turmzimmer.net/aba/::
> > > (diese Datei wird per cron erzeugt)
> > >
> > > In das als Home-directory angegebene Verzeichnis soll mail an
> > > test@imap.turmzimmer.net ausgeliefert werden.
> >> [translated: there are multiple domains that should accept mail to
> >> mailsdirs; the required maildir directories may be missing
> >>
> >> There are account data as passwd-file - however, the domainname needs
> >> to be translated
> >>
> >> in the specified dir there should be mail delivered from the address
> >> test@imap.turmzimmer.net]
> >> [quote-completion:
> >> the password-file is created by a cron script, so there are two
> >> possibilities
> >> 1. add something to the cron script to create mail
> >> address -> directory, mail address -> uid and mail address -> gid
> >> mapping
> >> 2. get some exim4-conf-file that reads data from the passwd-file
> >> ]
> > Gib nochmal ein paar mehr Beispiele.
> >
> > So, wie Du das schreibst, interpretier ich das so, als dass, wenn
> > foo@bar.org in der passwd steht, die Mailadresse foo@imap.bar.org
> > existieren soll und dorthin zugestellt werden soll.
> >
> > Gibt es eine Liste der Domains an anderer Stelle? Kann foo@bar.org und
> > foo@baz.org unabhängig voneinander existieren?
[translated: Please give more examples. I interpret your message that
if foo@bar.org is written in the passwd file, the mail address
foo@imap.bar.org should exist and mail should be delivered to the home
dir of the appropriate account.
Is there a list of domains at some other place? Can foo@bar.org and
foo@baz.org exist independently?]
> Well, it is not always imap that's added, that is domain-depended.
> There is a list for the mapping between domain and authentication data.
Is that list hidden in the passwd file (for example as the directory
between /org and the domain, or did you omit that list? In what format
is the list?
> However, the address verification needs to be done, I don't want to
> accept mail to $anylocalpart :)
Ok, I see.
> Also, foo@bar and foo@baz is not the same.
So the problem basically boils down to two issues:
(1) How to verify whether an address actually exists. This is an issue
of the router. Information needed to determine that is the passwd file
and the domain translation list.
(2) Where to deliver e-mail for any existing address. This is an issue
of the transport, possibly making use of data determined in the
router. Maybe, the passwd file is enough information.
Can you please come up with a mocked up domain list and passwd file
together with a list where messages would have to be delivered, and
a complete list of which addresses should exist.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835