[Pkg-exim4-users] local mail addressed to root

Larry Fletcher de-41 at lafn.org
Fri Nov 3 22:04:25 CET 2006

I started using Debian about 7 years ago and I have always logged in
as root.  This worked fine until I had to upgrade to Exim4.  To be
able receive local mail I had to create another user and direct the
root mail to it, then create /etc/procmailrc using a symlink from
~/.procmailrc.  This worked fine until I decided to remove the
Smartlist package.  Now local mail is is still delivered, but
/etc/procmailrc is not checked.  Smartlist never used the exim config,
so I don't why removing it causes a problem.

I have already searched this list and read the documentation, but so
far I have not found a solution.  I just barely understood Exim3 and
the Exim4 config file is much more confusing, so I don't hold out much
hope of figuring this out myself.  It seems like my only option is to
reinstall Smartlist, but I hope there's some other way.

What need is to have procmail parse the local mail, so it can be
delivered to other mailboxes in /var/mail.  Is there some workaround
that would enable me receive local mail as the root user?

I am using Debian stable and can't compile from source.


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