[Pkg-exim4-users] How to increase connection timeouts

Andreas Metzler ametzler at downhill.at.eu.org
Thu Dec 25 13:32:12 UTC 2008

Clarence W. Robison <robison at kimberly.uidaho.edu> wrote:
> I am using Exim4 heavy with clamav. I am experiencing panics with exim4 
> timing out while waiting for clamd to finish, I believe. Here are some 
> example entries from my paniclog:

> 2008-12-24 10:20:31 1LFXLY-0001nJ-55 malware acl condition: clamd:
> unable to read from socket (Connection timed out)
> The machine is an older machine, however, the volume and load is
> relatively low. My question is how to increase the timeout value for
> exim4 to wait? Or, am I looking at the wrong tree.


after a quick look into the docs I do not think this is configurable.
Common clauses of clamd timeouts are:

* running the AV scanner for all mail without size limitation.
* old versions of clamav block for a minute or more when the
  signatures are updated. IIRC the version in etch suffers from this.
  - Upgrading to clamav from volatile helps a lot.

cu andreas

`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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