[Pkg-exim4-users] Aliases and 'additional addresses in same delivery'
Marc Haber
mh+pkg-exim4-users at zugschlus.de
Thu May 22 19:57:49 UTC 2008
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 09:16:40AM +0000, Sebastian Tennant wrote:
> I've set up a virtual domain alias router which uses files in a
> directory whose names correspond to domains, like so:
> /etc/exim4/virtual/<domain>
> One such file includes this line:
> test : seb at smolny.plus.com, sdt at smolny.plus.com, sebyte at smolny.plus.com
> When an email is received for delivery to test@<domain>,
> /var/log/exim4/mainlog reads:
> ... => seb at smolny.plus.com ...
> ... -> sdt at smolny.plus.com ...
> ... -> sebyte at smolny.plus.com ...
> The manual (info "(exim4)Log line flags") says that lines which
> include '->' are 'additional addresses in the same delivery' but the
> email is only received at the first address listed
> (seb at smolny.plus.com) so what does 'additional addresses in the same
> delivery' actually mean?
That means that the message was delivered as a single message with
three RCPT addresses in the envelope, which is clear because all three
destinations are in the same domain.
> How can I ensure mail is delivered to all three addresses?
Educate the MX of smolny.plus.com to do a seperate delivery for each
Recipient as it is expected.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
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