[Pkg-exim4-users] [UPDATE!] [Solved] Use a System Filter to AutoBCC/AutoSave Sent Msgs

groups, freeman freeman_groups at reason.dyndns.org
Sun May 25 01:09:03 UTC 2014

Drat, I overlooked one niggling detail in my recipe.

The copies of the messages that are sent back to the original sender's 
email address - that of course means that on my Blackberry I would 
receive a msg every time I sent one out - definitely sub-optimal.

So I created new accounts: upper1_sent@, upper2_sent@, lower1_sent@, 
upper2_sent@ and have the copies sent there.

I don't monitor those addresses on my Blackberry so the problem of 
receiving copies that device just sent out is resolved.

On my laptop & main PC's I can add the _sent accounts to my monitored 
email addresses, and then with filters just move items received there to 
the appropriate sent folder of the originating email address.

Below is what I modified and it's now all dandy - I've been using it for 
a week and a half now and am pleased.

Thanks all for open-source and consequently great products!

Changes in exim4.conf.template:
     -- old line was:
             file                            = 
     -- new line is:
             file                            = 
     -- old line was:
         user                            = ${lc:$sender_address_local_part}
     -- new line is:
         user                            = 

Changes in systemfilter.txt:
     -- old line was:
         unseen save /var/mail/${lc:$sender_address_local_part} 660
     -- new line is:
         unseen save /var/mail/${lc:$sender_address_local_part}_sent     660

Have more fun!

On 14/05/17 19:59, groups, freeman wrote:
> ********************************************
> ** AutosaveToMailBox_AllRemotelySentItems **
> ********************************************
> The Exim docs said to use a system filter so I did, though it was a 
> bit of a challenge.
> This email is to outline the config I used so that anyone else can 
> have a quicker path to bliss.
> I'm using Debian v6.0, with Exim v4.72-6+squeeze3 in un-split 
> configuration.
> My goal is to have all (or actually, just some) emails that get SENT 
> from an account get auto-bcc'd (actually: automatically saved) into 
> the inbox of the email address that sent out the message in the first 
> place. (e.g. This is helpful to keep a copy of all outbound messages 
> sent from your cellphone, for your records).
> First, about my setup.
> All my email is retrieved via POP3. All my sent email goes out via 
> Exim. Same server. The mailbox is one file per user, located as 
> /var/mail/username
> I use Thunderbird on my desktop as the permanent, complete warehouse 
> for all emails.
> However I have migrated two of my email addresses to a laptop PC also 
> running TB, and those addresses are primarily used from there 
> nowadays. (They get copied over to the desktop warehouse from time to 
> time to keep the warehouse up-to-date). However when I send an email 
> from the desktop, using one of the now-laptop-resident addresses, I'd 
> still like a copy to show up in the sent folder on the laptop.
> Of note: In addition to those two ('upper') email addresses on my 
> Blackberry I also have two 'lower' addresses on it as well.
> The Blackberry was the instigating factor for me getting into this 
> 'auto-BCC' stuff: I migrated from the Blackberry_BIS-based email, to 
> the new Q10. The old BIS service had a built-in AutoBCC function so 
> that any messages sent from the Blackberry could be delivered to 
> another email address for eventual filing into the sent folder of the 
> sender's TB account. The new Q10 had no such automated function built 
> in, so because all my Blackberry-originated emails are routed through 
> my personal Exim server I could intercept them on their way out and 
> place a copy directly into the mail file of the sender, on my server, 
> for later retrieval and placement into the proper 'sent' folder.
> Finally, I wanted to NOT have duplicate copies on my laptop or 
> desktop. When I send from that device I wanted Exim to be able to 
> realize that a copy would be already going into my sent folder (for 
> certain addresses) so in that case Exim DIDN'T need to place a copy 
> into the sender's mailbox file.
> - Regarding the sample config below:
> - Four email addresses are of interest to me, because that encompasses 
> all that are used outside of the Desktop PC
> - I have two email addresses (upper1@ and upper2@) that are located on 
> the laptop AND on my Q10
> - I have two other email addresses (lower1@ and lower2@) that are 
> located on my desktop AND my Q10
> - my email addresses are in format of upper1 at applepie.mysite.com 
> (possibly upper1 at apple.mysite.com)
> - my laptop's hostname is 'laptop'
> - my desktop PC(s) are hostnamed MainPC5, MainPC6, PC5 and PC6
> - I use auth on my SMTP - if you don't then comment out the 
> 'sender_host_authenticated' check
> So below is the config I used to get the results I wanted.
> Though I solved my initial need some questions still remain, if there 
> are any takers...
> - where in the docs can I read about 'mode_fail_narrower = false' and 
> 'no_mode_fail_narrower' ... or what do they do?!
> - I'd prefer to have the BCC'd addresses remain in the copy of the 
> email that gets placed into the sender's mailbox but Exim strips the 
> BCC's. However it appears that $recipients contains such addresses - 
> if I had more time I'd master the coding to parse them out and then 
> use 'add_header bcc: xxx at yyy.zzz' or similar since that would then 
> perfectly duplicate what happens when you send an email from your 
> actual client, and any BCC's addresses get included in the saved copy. 
> Maybe one day.
> ===============================
> Overview:
> FWICT I needed to do two distinct steps:
> A) activate a system filter
> 1) create a new file that is the filter
> 2) adjust /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template to point to the new file as 
> the filter (and the proper transport, too)
> B) create a new transport for the filter's use since no baked-in 
> transport does what we need
> ===============================
> A1) Create New Filter File:
> - filename is /etc/exim4/systemfilter.txt
> - permissions for me are 0640
> - contents are:
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>> # Exim filter <<== do not edit or remove this line!
>> ##############################################################
>> if error_message then
>> finish
>> endif
>> logfile /var/log/exim4/system_filter.log 0664
>> logwrite "\n"
>> logwrite "[$tod_log] SystemFilter - ENTRY - 
>> sender_address_local_part=$sender_address_local_part"
>> if not first_delivery then
>> logwrite " 1-first_delivery=false, so just finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> if $sender_address_domain is not applepie.mysite.com then
>> logwrite " 2-domain is NOT applepie.mysite.com, so just finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> if $sender_host_authenticated is not plain_saslauthd_server then
>> logwrite " 3-auth ($sender_host_authenticated) is not good 
>> ('plain_saslauthd_server'), so just finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> if not foranyaddress $header_from: ($thisaddress matches 
>> "^(upper1|upper2|lower1|lower2)@") then
>> logwrite " 4-not a sought email sendername, so just finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> #logwrite " host=$host"
>> #logwrite " host_address=$host_address"
>> #logwrite " received_ip_address=$received_ip_address"
>> #logwrite " received_port=$received_port"
>> #logwrite " self_hostname=$self_hostname"
>> #logwrite " sender_fullhost=$sender_fullhost"
>> #logwrite " sender_host_address=$sender_host_address"
>> #logwrite " sender_host_name=$sender_host_name"
>> # Certain email addresses have their actual sent
>> # folder stored on particular PC's, so...
>> # for emails sent from those addresses, on those computers:
>> # we don't need to Autosave a copy of what we sent since
>> # it will be saved there automatically by the email client
>> # (Thunderbird in my case). In fact it is preferable since
>> # it avoids duplication (or auto-deletion of duplicates).
>> #
>> # Candidates are:
>> # Sender_field host_name
>> # ===============================================================
>> # (upper1|upper2) laptop.apple(pie)?.mysite.com
>> # (lower1|lower2) (Main)?PC(5|6).apple(pie)?.mysite.com
>> #
>> ############################################################################# 
>> # Stored on laptop?
>> ########################################
>> if ${lc:$sender_host_name} matches 
>> "^laptop\\.apple(pie)?\\.mysite\\.com\\$" then
>> if foranyaddress $header_from: ($thisaddress matches 
>> "^(upper1|upper2)@") then
>> logwrite " 5-Sent from laptop client (TB) for upper1/upper2, so just 
>> finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> endif
>> # Stored on Main desktop?
>> ########################################
>> if ${lc:$sender_host_name} matches 
>> "^(Main)?PC(5|6)\\.apple(pie)?\\.mysite\\.com\\$" then
>> if foranyaddress $header_from: ($thisaddress matches 
>> "^(lower1|lower2)@") then
>> logwrite " 6-Sent from MainPC client (TB) for lower1/lower2, so just 
>> finish"
>> finish
>> endif
>> endif
>> unseen save /var/mail/${lc:$sender_address_local_part} 660
>> logwrite " DONE - we copied the email to the sender's inbox"
>> finish
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> A2) Activate New Filter:
> - edit file /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
> - at effectively the very beginning of the file add these 3 lines:
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>> system_filter=/etc/exim4/systemfilter.txt
>> system_filter_file_transport=AutosaveToMailBox_AllRemotelySentItems
>> #NotNeeded system_filter_user=Debian-exim
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> B) Create New Transport:
> - edit file /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
> - right after the comment lines that are beneath the line saying:
> begin transports
> (so about line 1400 in the file, for me)
> add in the following
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>> AutosaveToMailBox_AllRemotelySentItems:
>> # For system filters,
>> # $local_part="system-filter"
>> # so it's of no use; instead, derive it from sender_address
>> ########################################
>> debug_print = "T: {CUSTOM - 'AutosaveToMailBox_AllRemotelySentItems') 
>> appendfile for ${sender_address}"
>> driver = appendfile
>> #NFG!# file = /var/mail/$local_part
>> file = /var/mail/${lc:$sender_address_local_part}
>> mode = 0660
>> user = ${lc:$sender_address_local_part}
>> group = mail
>> delivery_date_add
>> envelope_to_add
>> return_path_add
>> # We'll need to add a (custom!) filter in TB to move to the
>> # sent folder emails which have this header set to 'true'
>> ################################################################################## 
>> headers_add = X-AutosaveToMailBox_AllRemotelySentItems: true
>> # Alternatively, one could conceivably filter on:
>> # Envelope-to: system-filter
>> # since that's a hallmark that the email is
>> # an Autosaved copy of a remotely-sent msg
>> ########################################################################## 
>> #? mode_fail_narrower = false
>> #? no_mode_fail_narrower
>> # Note!...
>> ##########################
>> # $recipients
>> # This variable contains a list of envelope recipients for a message. 
>> A comma and a space separate
>> # the addresses in the replacement text. However, the variable is not 
>> generally available, to prevent
>> # exposure of Bcc recipients in unprivileged users’ filter files. You 
>> can use $recipients only in these
>> # cases:
>> # (1) In a system filter file.
>> # ...
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> And that has it. Have fun!
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