[Pkg-exim4-users] smtps support in Stretch

Gary Dale garydale at torfree.net
Tue Apr 12 21:44:15 UTC 2016

On 12/04/16 04:25 PM, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 04:05:59PM -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
>> Don't have any logs of it working. The oldest one still around just
>> shows frozen messages. I mainly use this for some system messages, not
>> daily use. However I can send messages through the same remote server
>> using Icedove.
> Try exim -qf to force delivery and show more logs. Recommended reading
> also spec.txt, the chapter titled "how exim delivers mail", and/or
> README.Debian.gz, Chapter 2.2.1, titled "Exim 4 as TLS/SSL client",
> saying "TLS on connect is not natively supported." As long as upstream
> doesn't change this, the Debian package is unlikely to change as well.
> Greetings
> Marc

Remembered I had a Jessie server running exim4. While it's got a lot of
frozen messages in the queue, it seems to be working so I looked at the
differences and modified update-exim4.conf.conf to fit. There were three
differences. Here are the lines after I changed them and successfully
sent a test e-mail:

dc_other_hostnames='transponder.rahim-dale; transponder'
dc_local_interfaces='; ::0'

I don't think the first line was important and I'm not sure what the ;
::0 does in the third line. Possibly it's the dc_other_hostnames that
did the trick?

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