[Pkg-exim4-users] need to restart exim4 after ssl/tls certs renewed?

Klaus Maria Pfeiffer kmp+pkg-exim4-users at kmp.or.at
Sat Feb 20 21:51:36 UTC 2016


Am 2016-01-02 um 17:45 schrieb Andreas Metzler:
> Klaus Maria Pfeiffer <kmp+pkg-exim4-users at kmp.or.at> wrote:
>> do I need to restart exim4 after the SSL/TLS certificates by Let's
>> Encrypt got renewed? or will also a reload do?
> I am pretty sure that neither restart nor HUP should be necessary.

you are fully right. neither restart nor HUP was necessary that exim is
showing new certs.

and your gnutls-cli command was just the correct magnifier for that issue.

thanks a lot!

gre3tings, Klaus

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