[Pkg-exim4-users] Where to change the message size limit

Fernando M. Maresca fmaresca at monssa.com.ar
Fri May 6 18:00:01 UTC 2016

Don't quote:


dc_ stands for debconf. Any constant in *.template in uppercase like
MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT can be defined in update-exim4.conf.conf by spelling
it in lower case preceded by dc_ .



On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 06:03:25PM +0100, Ron Leach wrote:
> List, good afternoon,
> We'd like to increase the message size limit for our Exim4 v4.80
> running under Debian Wheezy.  We do *not* use the 'split config'.
> In /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template, a comment explains that when
> MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT is unset, a default message size limit of 50MB is
> employed.  I am not sure where to set a different
> As I understand it, settings can be made in file
> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf ,
> but the syntax in that file seems slightly special; most of the
> parameters are preceded with 'dc_'.
> Should I use the name "message_size_limit' as the name for a message
> size limit entry, preceding that name with 'dc_'?  I have in mind a
> new entry such as
> dc_message_size_limit='100MB'
> for example.
> Our server is running live at the moment and, to avoid inadvertently
> creating problems, I'd be grateful for any advice whether that is
> the correct way to add a new parameter and whether adding this
> parameter will effect the change to Exim4's message size limit in
> our installation.  If all would be well, I expect to implement a
> change early on Sunday morning.
> Regards, Ron
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    Fernando M. Maresca
    Monitoring Station S.A.
    Calle 48 nº 812
    La Plata (B1900AHN) - BA - ARG
    Tel/Fax: (+54) 221 425 3355

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