Novice Exim user wants to set up a mailing list
u34 at
u34 at
Mon Feb 19 08:55:05 GMT 2024
Landon via Pkg-exim4-users <pkg-exim4-users at> wrote:
> Greetings! I hope you can help me.
> I've got this up to date debian server sitting on the Internet and I
> want to be able to send mail from it.
> I have the default Exim package installed.
> The mail to/from my domain is currently routed through google mail servers.
> I want to keep using google as my mail handler while also being able
> to send mail from my domain name from my server.
> I also do not want to receive external mail addressed to local users
> on my server such as "root" etc.
> I only want to receive the necessary external mail messages that are
> required to make the mail system function.
> After I set up my mail server, I will set up mail software that will
> allow me to manage a small mailing list.
> The Exim server should accept subscribe and unsubscribe requests
> messages from people who use the mailing list.
> I would have set this up a long time ago, but I really have no idea
> what I'm doing or how to do it. I know very little about how Exim
> works.
> I am hesitating on setting it up because I am afraid that I will miss
> configure Exim and allow spammers to use it to send spam.
> So... How difficult is it to set this up for someone who knows
> virtually nothing about Exim?
> Is there an up to date guide somewhere on how to configure Exim to do this?
> I don't mind reading about how to set this up, but I also don't want
> to have to read a 500 page book to figure it out.
The maling lists you mentioned are a somewhat sub field for setting a mail
server. I would start without them.
You will need to deal with name servers too. Or, at least, have a solid
background. As well as with basic cryptography.
I am not sure the 500 page book is not the shortest path. Partially because
I assume it, and its author, does manage to see the full picture. Perhaps
many chapters can be initially skipped. But having something with the full
picture seems to me important.
> Landon
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