[pymvpa] Multi-class SVM Sensitivities
Mark Lescroart
lescroar at usc.edu
Sun Nov 15 23:10:03 UTC 2009
I have a question regarding extracting sensitivity values for a multi-
class SVM classifier.
For whatever reason, I do not seem to be able to get 1 sensitivity
value per feature (i.e., per voxel) - I get only three values,
presumably one per condition.
The code I am using deviates from some very basic examples in two ways
that I can see: (1) I'm using a multi-class classifier, and (2) I'm
importing the data from Matlab .mat files rather than NIfTI files. I'm
using the .mat files because I use Brain Voyager for my data pre-
processing, and I have had less trouble exporting the files with the
BVQXtools Matlab toolbox than I have had exporting the files to NIfTI
The code I am using is below.
What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something conceptually?
Thanks for your time (and your excellent toolbox),
from scipy.io import loadmat
from mvpa.suite import *
DatFile = 'WholeBrainMatFile.mat' # 4-D .mat file of 2x2x2 voxels -
440x80x60x69 matrix
MaskFile = 'ROI_Mask.mat' # Contains a mask for 649 voxels in the
Lateral Occipital area
AttrFile = 'ConditionLabels.txt'
D = loadmat(DatFile)
Data = D['Data']
M = loadmat(MaskFile)
MaskMat = M['Mask']
attr = SampleAttributes(AttrFile)
# create masked data set
PyDat =
# PyDat is: <Dataset / float32 440 x 649 uniq: 8 chunks 3 labels>
clf = LinearCSVMC()
# Side question: what is the difference between option 1 and option 2?
# Option 1:
Sensitivity_FromCLF = clf.getSensitivityAnalyzer()(PyDat)
# This results in a 3x1 array of values
# Option 2:
terr = TransferError(clf)
splitter = NFoldSplitter(cvtype=1)
cvterr = CrossValidatedTransferError(
Err = cvterr(PyDat)
Sensitivity_FromCVTransError = cvterr.harvested.values()[0]
# This results in a list of 8 3x1 arrays
# Neither option results in 649x1 arrays, which it seems to me that
they should (i.e., there should be one sensitivity value per feature)
Mark Lescroart
(say it LESS-qua)
University of Southern California
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Image Understanding Lab
Email: mark.lescroart at usc.edu
Cell: (213) 447-0752
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