[pymvpa] Introduction to Machine Learning and SVMs
Rajeev Raizada
rajeev.raizada at dartmouth.edu
Tue May 17 15:56:13 UTC 2011
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 23:22:41 +0200
> From: Brian Murphy <brian.murphy at unitn.it>
> Subject: Re: [pymvpa] Introduction to Machine Learning and SVMs
> I really liked this primer from Nature Biotechnology, which I think gets
> the point across intuitively in only 3 pages:
> William S Noble
> What is a support vector machine?
> Nature Biotechnology 24, 1565 - 1567 (2006)
> http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v24/n12/abs/nbt1206-1565.html
Thanks for the pointer to this.
It's an excellent article, and would also be great for teaching.
It appears that Nature Biotechnology has a whole series of such tutorial papers.
This Google Scholar search turns up a bunch of good ones:
In case that long URL gets broken via e.mail, here is a shortened version:
Here are direct links to some which look good:
What is Bayesian statistics?
What is Principal Components Analysis?
What are Decision Trees?
What is a Hidden Markov Model?
What is the Expectation Maximization algorithm?
What are Artificial Neural Networks?
What is Dynamic Programming?
[This last one was alread given above, but here is again anyway]
What is a Support Vector Machine?
That journal really contains a treasure trove!
Thanks again to Brian Murphy for the original link to it.
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